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Emily's POV

I wake up with the sun shining on my face. I couldn't help but squint and try to get up to close the window.

I couldn't get up because there was a grip on my waist. I turn around and see Joey.

He opens his eyes and smiles looking at me. I couldn't help but smile back.

I guess he just that kind of affect on me.

"Morning beautiful." He says in a raspy voice.


I blush uncontrollably and say back,"Morning."

"Can y'all be quiet." I hear Mark yell.

"Can you?" Joey yells.

"You know this is my room too." Mark continues.

Oml 🙄

"And this is also my girlfriend's room so you can-"

"Shut up. Both of you." I said and got up from bed.

"where are you going" Joey asks as I put my shoes on.

"Somewhere without you." Mark answers.

I quickly walk out of the door grabbing my phone at same time and go to Lexa's room.

I knock on the door and Brandon opens it smiling.

"Why are you all smiley smiley?" I say curious.

"Oh um no reason, come in."

I walking into the room closing the door behind me and sit on Lexa's bed but I notice she's still sleeping.

"Lexa wake up!"

She jumps awake and yells "what the heck."

She sees me and says," OMGOSH really," in a annoyed voice.

"What do you want?"

"Wow, cranky, aren't you."

"You know we have a show today, and I'll barely have time to sleep so go. I need my sleep go."

"Well maybe if you didn't go out for the whole night with Zach after curfew, you might of gotten sleep." Brandon says jumping in the conversation.

"Anyway, breakfast?" I ask ignoring him.

"Why not I'm hungry."

She gets up out of bed and grabs her shoes.

"Lets gooo."
I yell and grab her hand running out of her room.

"Your way to energetic for this time in the morning, did you take shots of energy drinks before you came to my room."


"So basically they're fighting?" Lexa asks.

We were walking down the street from Ihop.

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