The next thing I knew, there were beeping knobs and spiking lines on heart machines. I kicked. White rough blankets lay on top of me. Restless and panicked, I struggled to escape the bed. I couldn't. Why not? Because there were cold metal bars by the edge of my bed, making it impossible to go anywhere.
"Zayn!" I called.
Zayn appeared in the hospital room, looking tired and worried. "Mod!" His worried face was replaced with a bright and reassured smile. "Guys! She's up!"
Harry, Louis (clinging onto Harry's arm), Liam and Niall appeared next to Zayn in the doorway.
"Why am I here?" I asked, maintaining my usual sass but not being rude.
"Well, Hazza Bear--" Louis began, then corrected himself. "I mean Harry, walked in on you with a razor and blood soaking through your clothes, you freaked out, Haz-- goddamn it, HARRY freaked out, you PASSED out, Haz-- Fuck it, Cuddles McCutieKinz carried you into the living room-- Thanks for getting blood all over the couch, by the way-- Liam freaked out, everyone freaked out, everyone was crying-- of course, crying very manly-like, and so we drove you here." Louis stopped talking to take about the eight millionth breath of air needed to complete that sentence.
I grinned. "So, I take it Larry is no secret around here. I wish I had known before I nearly had several heart attacks trying to keep my mouth shut."
"No more secrets."