1. Make slime!
Ingredients:Glue,Food colouring/paint optional,shaving cream,contacts solution tide/detergent,a bowl and a mixing tool! (No borax or baking soda)How to make it:
Step 1. Put glue in a bowl
Step 2. Put food colouring/paint in the bowl with the glue if your using it!
Step 3. Mix
Step 4. Put shaving cream in the bowl with the glue and the food colouring/paint!
Step 5. Mix
Step 6. Put in contacts solution in the bowl with the others!
Step 7. Mix
Step 8. Put tide in with the others also!
Step 9. Mix
Step 10. Your dun enjoy!2.You will need another person to do this with or more!
The person that you are doing this with is going to write a word but some of the letter will be blank so you have to guess and the person that you are with is going to correct it! If you get it all right you get another turn but if you don't then the person that was giving you the words have to switch with you!!! (Good Luck)3. It's a really fun game!
This game is so fun I play it like everyday it's called plants vs zombies it's when plants and zombie fight and there are shops and planting places and it's so fun! So all you need to do is go on the bar on the App Store and get it!!!Hope you enjoyed and tried one of these things!!'
Fun Stuff For Kids (8-10)
AventuraHey guys! This is a fun book where you will find out facts, funny things and more when you are bored and feeling sad come on in and join this book it will make you happy!!~Vic