10 Crazy Facts That Will Blow Your Minds! (These Facts Are True!)

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1.Did you know that the bananas our grandparents tasted weren't the same taste we taste from bananas now?!!?
Really but i don't care cause I hate bananas!

2. Another Crazy fact is that Australia has more than 10.000 beaches! Everyday you might find beaches in 27 years!
I want to go to Australia now cause it's hot here rn!

3. Guess what a dentist created Cotton candy! Can you believe that!
What kind of dentist are you person who I don't know lol

4. Justin bieber once held up a sign saying "go to McDonald's and get me a Big Mac! And guess what he got his Big Mac
I should try that!

5.For every human on Earth there are 1.6 million ants.
I hate ants:(

6.The total weight of all those ants, however, is about the same as all the humans.

7. Ketchup was sold as medicine in the 1830s
That's a shocker

8. Coke a cola would have been green if food colouring wasn't add to it
Coke is bad for u

9. Some worms will eat themselves if they can't find food
That's sad

10. Banging your head against the wall uses 150 calories!
I should try that too lol don't actually

Hope you enjoyed will be making more!!

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