| Chapter VI |

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*Karma's POV*

If I say that I wasn’t nervous at all during our trip to the restaurant, it would be a total lie. In fact, I was so panicky the entire time I thought that even the guy who was causing this could tell. My palms were dampened with sweat and my heart was beating faster than I have ever experienced. Holding hands with the one you love sure brings a short journey to a nearby place onto a different level.

Occasionally, Nagisa’s shoulder would gently bump into my arm, which I actually liked quite a lot. Maybe my possessive side was showing a little as I had wanted so badly to let the whole world know that the girl or guy beside me is mine and no one else can touch him except me.

As if to show appreciation for doing so, I would turn to him and smile, something I don’t do often unless smirking was counted as smiling. Each time, he would return it with a blush that matches the colour of my hair. What a coincidence.

I’ve always thought that the Nagisa knew I was perceptive, especially because I always seem to notice whenever someone stares at me. Nagisa must have forgotten it out of nervousness because I could feel his long stares directed at me.
I turned around to meet with his gaze yet again. One more thing to the list of things which can make Nagisa blush.

Time passed by quickly and before I knew it, we were at our destination. We found a seat at the back of the restaurant and each of us took one side, our hands no longer intertwined.

“What do you want to eat? I’ll pay. I can’t let a girl pay for the meal, what kind of gentleman would I be?” Knowing Nagisa’s personality, he will always go Dutch. It took me quite some time to persuade him to let me pay, but nothing is impossible for someone like me.

I asked for his orders and there came the usual things that he would get; Chicken burger without vegetables and strawberry soda. Right now I can picture Nagisa ordering the same things on a normal day which made me smile a little.

After pointing out that Niji-san orders the exact thing Nagisa would usually order, I could hear the slight hesitation in his voice. It was probably hard for him to put up the facade so I decided to give him a break and went off to order both of our food.

Upon ordering, an idea popped up in my head. I quickly changed the orders and could feel a smirk slowly forming at my mouth. What was going to happen later was for me to know and for Nagisa to find out when he realises.

When I got back to our table, the deep-in-thought face on Nagisa made its return from this morning. However, he had brushed it off, saying that it was nothing so I let it slip to the back of my mind as the two of us ate in a comforting silence.

Hehe, he has yet to realise.

Nagisa’s eating pattern is the same as always;  Finish off the main dish first before proceeding to the drink. His head rose after he had finished the burger and after a few seconds of processing what was in front of him, he was gaping. His reactions never fail to capture my attention.

“Is something wrong, Niji-san?” His replies came in broken parts and with some stuttering here and there. When stringed together, it forms, “Two straws, one drink?”

“Isn’t this a normal thing to do when a couple is on a date? Or did I get something wrong?” I portrayed a look of confusion, hoping that Nagisa would agree to my plan of sharing a drink. Though hesitant, he still agreed to it and started drinking from one of the straws.

Not being one who would lose a golden opportunity, I moved in on the other straw and began drinking. Strawberry soda was not one of my favourite drinks, but the close up view of Nagisa’s face took my mind off the drink.

I was met face-to-face with the beautiful blue pair of eyes once again and I made sure to maintain eye contact during the entire time we were drinking. I could finally tell why couples liked doing so now. Nagisa’s face was slowly dyed pink and he averted his eyes away from me, much to my disappointment. I can never get enough of him. He gave quick glances to see if I was still looking, each time only looking back at the window after realising I was still watching his every move. After a few exchanges of glances and blushes, the cup of strawberry soda was finished to the very last drop.

We should consider doing this next time again… I can bring myself to like strawberry soda it gives me a chance to drink like this again with Nagisa.

“Ready to leave?” I held out my free hand to him, the other holding my own bag. He reached out for my hand, his fingers slowly intertwining with mine. I waited for him to grab his bag from the seat and held the door on the way out for him before offering to walk him home.

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