American Style Dinner

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"One and two and three and four and five and six seven eight." I counted their movements along with the subdivisions. So far everybody except for Rap Monster understood my teachings. I mean Jin wasn't good, but he had the basics down.

We were two weeks in and I've already got their individual places mapped out and taught. I was finishing on the actual dance of Danger.

I was getting along really well with these guys. They were certainly warming up to me, but I still found myself being shy sometimes. Not that any of them weren't like that with me, it took two days for Junkook to stop blushing when I talked to him. One more for him to actually consider talking back.

Well it was rare when I talked freely. Like Namjoon I preferred to observe situations. But when I was in teacher mode, oh did they know. They couldn't shut me up even if they had wanted to in that situation.

"Namjoon, you're too loose. This dance is about precision. Use your muscles and put energy into what you do. Jin that was a little bit better this time, just focus on clarity of each move. Yoongi stop keeping your movements slow. I know you'd rather be sleeping, but focus." They gave a slight nod. "How about we try that again."

I clapped my hands and recited the counts a bit slower this time. Not that I was going fast before, I just wanted them to have a bit more time to process things.

"Much better. V you need to bend your knees a bit more with the shuffle, but you definitely have the upper body down. Same goes for you Suga. Jungkook your footing is late on count 4, but everything else is good." I sighed a bit and ran a hand across my face. It's been a little under an hour since they've had a true, longer than two minutes break.

"One more time then you get a break." I clapped my hands to the tempo and let it soak in for a second.

They went through the counts and it was very good for how quickly I'd been teaching it.

"Great job guys. Take fifteen minutes." I dismissed them so they could get water.

"Hey guys!" I half yelled as they came flooding in. I surprised myself at the loudness of my voice and physically felt my stature shrink down slightly for only a moment. They all had water bottles in hand, and they looked exhausted.

Yoongi was the first person to descend to the floor, and Jimin followed by laying on his legs. Jungkook went right beside Jimin, dangerously close if not actually laying his head on Jimin's hips. Taehyung's head went to Jungkook's shoulder . Jin was slightly seperate from the group, in the middle of the cluster to the far left.

"Yes?" I heard Rap Monster answer me first.

"I was- uh wondering if you guys were free after practice." I stuttered out. I tucked hair behind my ear and looked down a bit. I was nervous, waiting for their obvious rejection. There went my confident teacher mode. I was prepping myself all day even, running over different phrases to see what worked.

"Well Suga and I have to do some more song writing, but that's not until later. Why do you ask?" Namjoon waltzed his way over to the others. His arms went around Jin's waist as he put his head on his chest. At this point all of the boys were in a big heap on the floor, snuggled up. Well right after Jhope had added to the pile as well. It was honestly the cutest thing I'd seen all month.

"Well I've been dying to cook something other than small meals recently. I was just wondering if you'd like to join me? I mean you really don't have to if you don't want to." I was extremely nervous. What if they really didn't want to go? I didn't want them to feel pressured to hang out with me. I'm sure they had far too much of me during practice.

"All you needed to say was food. We're in." Jin immediately responded. The rest of them didn't argue at all to that statement. I gave them extra details such as my address and what time to show up. I was so flustered they said yes that I almost didn't go back into my teacher mode.

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