They See Everything

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Waking up in the hospital was one of the least pleasant experiences I've come to have happen to me. Well, I guess I've had a lot more experiences that were worse. I supposed that cancels out my previous statement. I should just say that I have a hatred of hospitals. Especially when I'm in the condition I was that day. You know, the condition where you have to be there for days or weeks after you wake up.

First thing that happens is you're just suddenly aware. You can't really figure out what is going on, but you know that your head is throbbing, your stomach is sore, your cheek burns.

But you can't do anything about it, no. Your eyes lids feeling like they're made out of concrete blocks and it takes nearly all of the small amount of energy you have left to get them open.

But sometimes you have to gain that energy before you can finally open your eyes. This was my case for this time.

And you just have to sit there in pain, over thinking as to why you're there. In which part of your day or life that you fudged up and wound up in the hospital.

If you're lucky there was somebody sitting next to you, speaking to you. It kept your mind off of certain things and you could tune out all of the horrible thoughts you would have if they weren't there.

But when had I ever been lucky?

So I ran through the past incident in my head over again. The fact that I fought against them was phenomenal. Before I could do nothing but plead and beg for him to stop the dreadful abuse. Honestly it felt really good to finally throw a bunch and a few kicks back Jason's way.

But God did that bring back memories I'd rather forget. So I ran through those memories because I didn't have anything to stop me, to distract me from them.

Eventually it became easy for me to open my eyes, but but then the mental damage had already been done. I didn't feel the normal dread though, I didn't start crying when I woke up.

I honestly couldn't tell if I went numb again or if I just didn't care that it happened again. Maybe I was just used to it. Either way I wasn't upset.

I turned a random kdrama that they had on the television, just plain bored of being stuck in pain on that uncomfortable bed.

"You fụcking idiot, you scared the shït out of me." I heard the voice of Yuna from the doorway. I snapped my head in her direction. Because of how the room was set up I couldn't see her until she was fully into the room. She was in and I saw her tear stained face.
Her red hair was put into an messy bun, no makeup on and her outfit looked messy, thrown together even. I heard her whimper slightly and she grabbed my hand while she cried. "Unnie I'm so sorry."

"Am I that ugly that you cry when you see me?" I tried to lighten the mood,then suddenly I got serious. "I'm alright, why are you even worrying about me?" Every word I spoke my face was sore and my head pounded. Where were those nurses with some medicine?

"You know why I worry. The last time this happened it took a week for me to find you in a pool of your own blood. " My breath hitched at her mention of my suicide attempt.

"It won't happen again, I'm stronger  now. I would never put you through that again." I said as I pulled her into a huge hug. We sat there for a few moments as we both calmed down. The tears stopped flowing from her face so I let go of her.

"They caught them, they're in police custody now. You're never going to have to worry about them again." Yuna finally said. I felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. Happiness filled me and a slight smile was put on my face.

They didn't touch my sisters. That's all that mattered to me.

She visited me for another hour after that, she even got the nurses to give me some morphine for my pain.
I was considered lucky this time, nothing but some deep tissue bruising everywhere and a concussion. They even told me that I could go home within the next two days, as long as I promised to rest and take care of myself and tests concluded I had no broken bones.

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