It was Going So Well

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Song: Far too too Young to Die by Panic at the Disco

The next morning I awoke in my own bed. I felt that sickening knot in my stomach again. Was it dread? I believed that it was. I didn't sleep very long because of that stupid knot. It just kept bothering me.

I didn't need to look into any sort of mirror to know that I looked like a mess. Last night after I had gotten home from the party I had let my mind wonder about what I was going to do while they were gone. This obviously led to a sleep deprived Ara who had been crying.

In my first few moments awake I literally screamed and pounded at the alarm clock sitting on the darkly stained wooden bedside table trying to turn it off.

With a huff I got out of bed and started my morning routine, throwing on some random shuffle music to wake me up a little bit, just enough for me to continue being functional.

I decided ot dress up in a maroon scater skirt, a white tank top and a cream colored cardigan I was out the door to meet them up at the airport.

I was completely correct in my assumptions, saying goodbye to BTS was as difficult as I thought it to be.

I caught them just in time to give my hugs out and a nice long kiss for Hoseok. It took everything in me not to drag them back home with me, to greedily keep them with me.

I waited for them to board the plane and watched with tears in my eyes as they took off.

I was going to miss my little idiots dearly.

I eventually got myself together enough to flag down a cab home. Walking through the doors of my house I immediately took off my cardigan and went into the kitchen to get something to drink. Maybe it would calm me down? I had to calm down before my practice in a few hours with Seventeen.

Maybe I would do a face mask, a bubble bath and some music for an hour or so, yeah that sounded very tranquil. Anything to make me forget about these stupid things called emotions.

"You know I don't really like that new boyfriend of yours. I did try warning him too, I tried telling him to say away from you. Not my fault that he's a fucking idiot for not listening to me." I heard a familiar voice rattle off in English. "Where were your protectors flying away again? Japan right? I guess that part doesn't matter. It just matter that they aren't here to protect their little choreographer."

I stopped dead in my footsteps and closed my eyes for a quick moment. This couldn't be happening. This is just a dream right? I bit my tongue hard and felt the pain that was very much real.

It couldn't really be him. This couldn't be reality. God why couldn't he just leave me alone?! Not only did he have to haunt me in my flashbacks and my nightmares but now he's really here.

No, I'm just delirious because of my lack of sleep, and the stress. That'll make you have delusions like that, right?

I slowly opened my eyes and spun myself around 45° and saw the face of my old friend. His tanned skin and messy black hair hadn't changed one bit. Neither did his brown eyes or impeccable body.

But that did confirm my deepest fears about the whole situation. You know, the one where somebody magically knew who Jason was and what he'd done to me. The man who'd threatened Hoseok. It was Chao who he'd met that night.

"Hey Chao what an honour to see you again. As much as I'd love to catch up on the jolly good times we've missed, there's the door get out of house." My tone was firm, but I felt a mix of emotions as I watched this man. I was scared. Scared of what he could accomplish when it came to overpowering me. As healthy and strong as I was, he would always be stronger.

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