6. Morning

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When Taehyung and I woke up this morning in a mess of tangled limbs I thought maybe he'd have second thoughts about the whole friendship thing but I was dead wrong.

Taehyung has woken me up by pinching at my cheeks and squishing my face. It didn't bother me though, I was too tired to even react, I just stared until he had left me alone. I've come to learn, Taehyung's a very touchy person in the morning.

We spent the remainder of the morning maneuvering around one another, trying to get ready for school as if it were a normal routine. Taehyung decided to get a ride from me since we were both going to the same place anyway.

I shared my first class of the day with Taehyung and I did my best at focusing on my work despite feeling the weight of his eyes lying heavily over my back.

During the ostensibly long duration of class an obnoxiously loud giggle suddenly stops me from solving the equation I was currently working on. Along with the giggle came a girls face practically pressed up against the right side of my cheek.

I lean back as far as I can and raise my eyebrow, facing the girl who I'd thought was shy and quiet, even a little sweet. "Can I help you?"

My eyes follow her strange movements as she flipped her hair over her shoulder and smiled widely at me. As subtly as I could, I move my desk back.

Is she flirting with me right now? I thought to myself.

My mind races as I notice her coming comfortably closer. "I'm sorry but I like dick!" It was the only thing I could say, my body froze on me and she was literally inches away from kissing me.

Shocked and wide eyed, I place a hand over my mouth to stop myself from saying anything else stupid. I could feel heat rise to my cheeks as several heads turn my way. But above the embarrassment, I couldn't help but feel bad for rejecting her so harshly.

Then I felt even worse when I noticed her bright blush. It wasn't until she let out another obnoxious giggle and glanced down my row, towards the back of the class did it all begin make sense to me. It was because of Taehyung. It had to be.

"Um. No I'm straight. I- I just thought we could become friends!" She said slightly embarrassed and it suddenly dawned on me. I noticed how often she played with her hair and nervously glanced back at Taehyung.

I just couldn't rack my brain around how two sided people can be. She was acting like an angel just yesterday but now she looks like she's ready to pounce on anything with a dick.

"No thanks." I kindly decline with a tight smile.

She took it upon herself to grasp my arm in one last attempt but something stopped her. Or should I say someone.

I could feel his warmth without him having to physically touch me. I whipped my head around and met face first with his crotch.

To my confusion he bent down and began gathering my belongings.

"What are you doing?"

His dark brown irises bore into mine for a few seconds, sending some sort of message. "You're sitting with me."

It's safe to say my work had been long forgotten and I spent the remainder of the class having an endless conversation with Taehyung. Strangely it wasn't a very flirty one like I'd expect from him, there was more of a friendly atmosphere clouding the two of us and I had never been more relieved in my life.

When the bell rang I tried to hurry off to the library for lunch but it didn't seem like Taehyung was having it. He clung on tightly to my arm and pouted.

"Come eat lunch with me."

I look to him questioningly before shaking my head. I know for a fact he eats with all of his friends as there's no way in hell I'm going to sit through that. "I have some work to do at the library."

"Nerd." He mutters while leaning in so that our noses touched. My heart began to pound like crazy as he lightly shook his head, giving me eskimo kisses. I had a hard time breathing around Taehyung but what else is new?

"Stop." I shove him off and frown half heartedly. It was a sad attempt at trying to hide my blush and judging by his smug smile I'd say he saw.

"Are you blushing?" Taehyung teases with a goofy smile.

"No." I deny with a straight face.

"Yes you are!" Taehyung sang like a small child and pinched at my cheeks. "Its funny you never blush when we're naked." Taehyung says I'm a hauntingly seductive time he usually uses during sex.

My eyes widen at his change of mood. My breathing shallowed significantly as I met his lustfully playful eyes full on.

I slowly realised I was in a crowded hallway with lingering eyes and even some just stopping to gape at the two of us with no shame whatsoever. I could hear little mutterings from many students who had an issue with minding their own business.

"What of someone hears you!" I whisper harshly with a glare. "And don't get that close to me again. People probably think we were about to kiss." I continue scolding the smirking boy.

"But that is what we were going to do. And so what of people hear?" He leans back onto a nearby locker. His expression was now impassive but his eyes gleaned with danger.

"No we weren't and what do you mean so what? Don't you care about your reputation, because I do! I can barely take a piss without girls staring me down in the restroom. Do you know how stressful it is to pee in dead silence with nine girls around you?"

It's true. Despite how much I'd yearned for Taehyung I didn't want to flaunt whatever it is that we're doing. No, the school didn't have those stereotypical cringey girls trying to beat me up for stealing their oppar, but we do have normal teenagers who are love struck. I was in their place not too long ago. I used to judge every girl I'd heard slept with Taehyung because in the mist of my infatuation, I truly believed no one was good enough for him and now I'm in that spot.

"Stop freaking out. You act like it's embarrassing to be seen with me." I didn't even notice the slight annoyance laced in his tone.

I was too oblivious for my own good.

"Please." In that moment Taehyung was the equivalent to an abandoned puppy.

His eyes glazed with a thin layer of tears and he widened them just enough for me to notice. This was what he was known for. Girls had trouble hating him after he'd thrown them away because he'd give them some excuse and those false puppy dog eyes. But I wasn't as gullible as some of those other girls.

My eyes widen just a bit and I lean towards him, not doing a very good job at suppressing my teasing smile. "Are you going to cry like a little girl."

"Screw you." He quickly drops his facade and playfully narrows his eyes at me.

"You already did and it wasn't very good."

"Really?" Taehyungs voice drops several octaves. If there's one thing I learned about Taehyung it's that he's very sensitive when it comes to his masculinity or at least sexual wise.

"Fine." I quickly surrender before he can take it any further. "But my friends, Jin and Hoseok, are having lunch with me too, they usually drop me off food."

He nods and takes my back pack and slings it over his shoulder with a satisfied smile.

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