5. Safety not first

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God bless whoever made this edit on twitter credits to them sorry I forgot who did it💕


I forge our lips together like steel after hearing her unfavorable words.

"If my mouth is so nasty then I guess we can't do that anymore." I murmur breathlessly as we pull away. Annoyance furiously pumped throughout my veins.

Still gripping the back of her head with my left hand, I slide my right down the length of her torso. I momentarily grovel at the gasp slipping out of her bruised lips when I shove my hand down her pajama shorts and beneath her underwear.

"And you don't have to worry because my mouth won't be going here anymore." I grab ahold of her and slide my finger into her throbbing heat.

Mia let's put a low whine, her hands tightened their grip on my hair. She moves to kiss me but I pull my head back, enjoying watching her so desperate. It's a rare sight to see. I may not be able to get enough.

"Okay, Okay. I'm sorry Tae. You're mouth is perfect and clean." I raise my eyebrow unconvinced at her muttering.

"Taehyung's mouth is a gift of god himself, especially that strong tongue of his. His mouth is so clean I can eat out of it!" She says dramatically and my nose scrunches up a bit at the last part.

I lean in to kiss her appreciatively while slyly sliding my finger deeper into her, savoring just how wet she is for me already. Just when a lovely moan rings out I pull away. I don't give Mia the time to react because I'm too busy yanking her bottoms down, leaving her completely bare. I'm sliding my briefs down and hauling her up before she even has a chance to utter a syllable.

Mia's legs are barely clinging onto me as I decide to go in full force. The deep thrust has us both gasping. Grabbing a hand full of the soft flesh of her ass I squeeze tight as I began sliding into her. I go slow at first, testing out different angles until I see her flinch briefly. That's when I knew I found the spot and my pace picked up drastically.

"Tae-" Mia whines as I roughly bite at the soft skin of her shoulder through her thin white T shirt.

Our loud banging shook the walls and a few picture frames were heard falling from the other side.

A loud groan escapes my mouth at the feeling of my aching cock being suffocated by her. My scalp tingles delightfully as Mia grips at it. I lift her up by the ass and push back into her over and over again.

I'm not sure how long we'd been at it by now, but five different positions later and I feel Mia begin to clench around my hardened aching member and her legs are trembling uncontrollably, by this point, around my waist.

Mia's vice like grip on my shoulders loosen and her nails bury deeply in as she breathes out a breathless moan. A few tired thrusts later and I'm right behind her, feeling my own euphoric high. My body mechanically stills as I empty myself. After I'm done I pull out and we simultaneously slide down to the floor at once. Her small strung out body rests on my own.

"No. Condom." Mia manages to breathe out and attempts at giving me a disapproving glare but her eyes shut tiredly instead.

I'd realized this after a particularly pleasing orgasm rolled through me but I was enjoying it too much. "I think we should start doing it without one from now on."

She pulls back slightly to give me a flat look.

"What? I'm clean."

Her face hadn't changed.

I frown. "I've always wrapped it up. Sometimes twice." I defend.

"Then what about just now? You're saying that's never happened with anyone else? And the fact that you felt the need to wrap up twice, ew." Her skeptical and disgusted gaze weighed heavy on me.

"Never." I say seriously. "But if it makes you feel better I can get tested." It wasn't a big deal to me and all my life I'd had protected sex so now that I've went in raw I don't think I could stop.

Mia seems to be in thought for a moment then she nods. "Only if you pass then I'll get on birth control. I've been meaning to anyway."

I nod and can't help but feel excited.

"I'm clean too if you were wondering." She adds.

"I wasn't."

She glares wholeheartedly at me. "What the hell does that mean? You don't think that I could have a disease or something?" I couldn't help but crack a smile when she felt the need to whisper that last part. The way she got so defensive over being told something so reassuring was almost comical.

"Didn't you only have sex twice before me?"

"Well yeah but it only takes one time!"

"Okay fine. Then get tested with me." I settle.

"No thanks. There's no point I'm positive my friend is clean plus I don't wanna waste the money to get it done."

I roll my eyes at her words then stop after realizing something.

"Your friend? You're still friends with someone you've slept with?" I find myself asking partially curious and partially strangely upset.

Mia hums. "He's my best friend actually. Don't worry about though he rejected me a couple of years ago, it didn't mean anything though." She says it so casual like. It makes me wonder if that's what it's really like for us as well.

"Why do you ask? You don't believe people can have sex and stay friends?"

I shrug. "I dunno. I've never been friends with a girl." Mia hums for a moment at that.

"Oh. I forgot to mention it and I don't want to sound possessive or whatever but could you not sleep around with anyone if we do this?" Mia fumbles with her hands.

My eyebrow rose at this. Mia didn't really strike me as the type to push me into a relationship.

"Just because of the whole no protection thing! This is kind of a big thing and I don't want my future sex life to be compromised because you did the deed with some nasty skank." She hurriedly adds, probably gaging my reaction.

I keep from smiling at her words and the fact that she doesn't seem like she meant to say it any other way. I thought it over and it made perfect sense. I understood where she was coming from but the thought of her possibly moving on from me caused an uncomfortable feeling to blossom in my chest.

"Okay but that goes for you too." I say quickly.

Mia looks confused for a second before nodding and I try not to question the strange bubble of satisfaction that settles in my stomach.

"Okay so it's settled." Mia flashes me a bright smile, making the indentation on her left cheek considerably more noticeable.

"It is." I match her smile with one of my own and slung my sore arms around her.

Sorry for the boring chapter, before I edited this book I had gotten so many comments about how there's no mention of a condom and literally thousands of comments on how she's pregnant. So I thought I'd use this chapter to ad some depth into their relationship.

Sure now and days teens are fucking like rabbits without a care in the world and condoms are practically nonexistent to them. For my characters however, Doing something this reckless is meant to build a stable foundation of trust between the two.

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