Chapter 4

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I've been staying with my friends for a week now. I've had no contact from my family, Tom or the outside world. My friends have been smuggling me from house to house and our usually fun-filled meetings had become serious and strategic. It is half past three in the morning and everyone is sitting in a circle in Belinda's giant bedroom. It seems like we never sleep anymore but during the day we sleep because we can't really do much else, sometimes the girls go to school but usually they stay with me. Nothing has happened in the past week and that's what makes me feel more uneasy and nervous than I already am. It's the anticipation of something about to happen.

"We really need to see this through, we never wanted to be abused, we'll never give up, it's no use if we're fucked up, your to blame" my phone rang scaring me out of my thoughts. My friends and I stared at my phone. Maddy is warning me with her eyes that i shouldn't answer it but I couldn't help it. It is too tempting.

"Hello?" I spoke into my iPhone. The cold glass making me feel frozen with its icy exterior.

"Serena..." my mums beautiful voice filled my ear. Before I could speak she continued talking.

"I'm just calling to make sure you are safe. I can't talk long because it isn't safe. I'm just letting you know that Tom arrived at the safe haven where he is constantly guarded and moved to different locations all of the time. Your father and I are safe and healthy. We miss you and stay safe. I love you."

"I love you too mum" I whispered but she didn't hear me because the line had gone dead. I broke down in tears, not for the first time this week. I don't know how much more of this I could take. Teagan and Belinda comforted me until I had finished crying.

"Okay Serena I don't want to be mean or anything but you have to stop falling apart. You need to get your head in the game and stay strong because to survive you are going to need your head." This stung but I know Mietta is right, if I was going to do this I needed to get my act together.

"So are we going to tell her?" Lauren pipes up while each of us were stuck in our own thoughts. She was directing her question to my friends rather than myself which made me assume that I was 'her'.

"Tell me what?" I said, urging my friends on.

"Serena you're only sixteen you don't deserve to have this happen to you so we thought we would give you a little present" Teagan starts. Maddy hands me a white envelope which I take from her.

"We all know very well how much you like 5 Seconds Of Summer so we want you to go to their concert here in Melbourne tomorrow night. We all chipped in to get you a ticket and we really want you to have it." Belinda finishes for Teagan. My heart was screaming like any other fan girl but my brain was finding all of the faults.

"What if she finds me there? What if something goes wrong? I can't take this let alone risk getting caught." I sigh as my heart and head battle making me feel sick.

"We have it all planned out perfectly, nothing can go wrong." Maddy assures me. I'm still not totally convinced though.

"You don't have to worry, even though we won't be physically there with you we have a plan that is the best ever. Just trust Maddy" Belinda tells me.

I have nobody else to put my trust in and I believe in my friends enough to trust them with my life. "Okay B" is all I say before they get to work.


It is the night of the concert and my friends had given me some money for a tram to St. Kilda to see the concert. The doors were due to open in an hour and it was freezing outside. I am only wearing some black leggings, a black 5SOS t-shirt, a black leather jacket and a pair of my favourite black vans. Even with the amount of clothes I'm wearing I am still freezing my ass off. My face is numb with the coldness and I can't feel my nose but I know it's gone slightly pink due to the weather. Maybe tonight I had a chance to live like a normal teenage girl again.

Right now my friends were back at Maddy's house. I had been there just before when they were getting me ready. They had done my makeup, making sure to make me the exact opposite of myself. They traced thick black lines around my eyes with liquid eyeliner and finished off the "emo look" with black eyeshadow. Maddy had handed me a black metallic watch and a skin colour ear piece. Apparently the watch had a microphone and a tracking device hidden inside and the ear piece was a speaker so I could hear my friends. We weren't taking any chances tonight of me being caught. Maddy had hacked into all of the CCTV cameras and had planned heaps of escape routes. I could hear them all clearly in my left ear and I had to admit it is getting really annoying. I could imagine them all with a laptop each watching my every move as well as all of the exits. They sound just as nervous as I am but I'm glad that I'm out and doing something it makes me feel less useless.

I must have been caught up in my thoughts for a while because before I knew it the doors finally opened and we were allowed into the hall. The long snaky line that waited outside of the building slithered through the doors. Many girls head towards the mosh pit. I'm not the most tallest person ever and I have never been able to afford to go to a concert before so I wasn't sure where I should go.

"Guys I'm in. There is what looks like a mosh pit forming and a mezzanine balcony. Where do I go?" I whispered into the watch trying not to draw to much attention to myself.

"Head for the balcony, that way you can see who walks in so you have an advantage." I hear Mietta reply with a confident voice. I reply with an okay as I head towards the stairs.

In the past week I have felt down and useless but being here at this concert I found myself being happy for once, but all good things come to an end.

I must have been daydreaming again because when I come to I can hear 5SOS being announced.

"...and here is your favourite boys, 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER!!!"

The noise that follows is enough to deafen me. Four very hot looking boys run onto the brightly lit stage. They look exactly like they did in my locker only now they were 3D. Down below me I have a clear view of the mosh pit. I can see girls getting crushed as they try harder and harder to get just that tiny bit closer to the stage. They have their phones above their heads recording the whole performance. No words can even describe the atmosphere. I feel like I'm high or something. I can feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins and with the large amount of bodies jumping the room quickly becomes warm.

"HELLO MELBOURNE!!" Calum Hood greets the us.

"HOW ARE WE ALL DOING TONIGHT?" Ashton Irwin speaks into the microphone where he sits on his drum stool.

They are both replied with cheers and screams from the crowd. Then the familiar guitar riffs start and the familiar tune of Heartbreak Girl ricochets throughout the hall before being drowned out in the sounds of screaming fans, me included.

This is the best night of my life.

Boy was I about to get a big reality check.


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