Chapter 6

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When I had finished I leant back and wiped my mouth with the sleeve from Ashton's hoodie that I was still wearing. I look up to find worried expressions covering the boys faces. Ashton bent down to my level on the floor rubbing my back awkwardly. Not wanting to break down again especially in front of my idols I fight back tears and let out a shaky breath.

"Sorry." I mumble gesturing to Ashton's hoodie, looking anywhere but their faces.

"It's fine" Ashton replies with a sigh, "keep it".

I can't keep hurting everybody around me. This has to stop. I quickly stand up but the sudden movement makes me feel nauseous and makes my head throb. With the hand-eye coordination of a drunk person I scramble away from the boys trying to put as much distance between them and me. I push all my emotions to the back of my head and speak into my watch/microphone using the most emotionless voice I can muster.

"'Nothing can go wrong' yeah right Maddy" I sarcastically say into the watch while the expressions on the boys faces tell me I resemble a loony nut case.

"Serena, I'm so sorry. None of us realised until it was too late..." Maddy rambled on.

"It's fine, guys. I'm okay. Everyone is okay. That's all that matters. Just find me a way back to your house once your sure it's safe" I interrupt Maddy's rambling.

"Well your lucky you won't be sleeping on the streets tonight because ever since you delivered your little speech the car parked outside of my house has gone, for now." I breathe a sigh of relief.

They are gone for now. This will hopefully give me some time to get myself together and plan what happens next. Wait, they were outside her house, shit. I make a mental note, I am going to have to deal with that issue later.

"I've sent you a route to your phone to get back here safely." Maddy tells me with a firm voice.

"And don't forget to say hi to the 5 seconds of summer boys!" I hear Belinda yell like a little girl in the background.

I can't help but let out a light laugh at her comment. Trust her to be thinking about something like that at a time like this. "Of course B, see you soon guys" I say casually into my watch, ending the conversation.

As I take in what in Belinda's comment the realisation hits me about where I am.


I am totally fan girling inside my head right now.

"Okay what just happened?" Luke breaks the silence. I'm surprised I wasn't drooling. "Huh?" I mumble slowly coming back to reality.

"What the hell just happened?" Luke repeats what he has just said only this time with a slightly annoyed tone. I don't know how to answer or how to even begin to explain.

I sigh sadly "it's a long complicated story". I am satisfied with my answer hopefully meaning that I won't have to explain any further.

"Judging by the fact that a gun just got pointed at my head and the fact we saved your ass from whatever that was, I think we deserve an explanation." Calum states, getting straight to the point. Damn it, I thought I'd be able to get away with my last response.

I'm not going to lie to them. I hate lies especially since I go to an all-girl school. So I tell them everything, well maybe not everything. From the large amount of inheritance, to my auntie, me being on the run and then the present from my friends leading to me being here tonight. I leave out the part about Tom because it is still a touchy subject. When I finish the look on their faces says it all. It's a mixture between shock, sadness, sympathy, anger and horror.

"Wow" Ashton starts, "I didn't see that coming at all".

A small smile creeps on to my lips as he says this and a wave of relief floods my body. They seemed to not take this badly at all. "So that guy is after you?" Michael says but it comes out more like a question.

"Yeah, it's been a week since they last found me but tonight was the first time they have ever pulled out a gun" I answer Michael's question. Saying this helps me to clear my head a bit and reorganise my thoughts.

A silence settles over the room, it's not awkward just everyone is deep in their own thoughts.

"So what now?" Luke asks, directing his question towards me.

"At the moment I don't know what is going to happen. I'm sort of living each day as it comes. All I know right now is that I have to find a way to pull off my bluff about the 'memory stick' or d.." I can't say that word, it makes me feel sick all over again but I continue, "... or get into more trouble than I already am. Right now though, I don't think I can face much more of this mess." I can feel a panic attack coming on.

"Hey, don't freak out about it. Just breathe." Calum says in a soothing voice, obviously trying to calm me down.

I give him a sad smile, "thanks" I breathe out, "I just want everything to go back to normal and for them to leave me alone".

The silence returns as they silently and awkwardly agree with me. "I'd better go, my friends are probably wondering if I'm still alive" I joke to try lighten the mood but it just makes things a whole lot more tense. I don't know if I'm supposed to say good bye or not so I awkwardly acknowledge them and start to move slowly towards the door.

"Just before you um... go, can you let us give you our phone numbers... you know, just in case your ever in trouble or need a hand" Michael says nervously while scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh... um ok, sure" I stutter and give him a friendly smile, trying my best to ease the tension. I pull my phone out of my jacket pocket and put in my passcode before handing it to Michael.

When I look up to meet his eyes I realise he is wearing an amused expression on his face. "Really?" he asks. I look to see what he is talking about and realise my home screen background is a picture of the four boys that are standing before me. I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and I know I am blushing. I mentally face palm. Oh my gosh, this is so embarrassing. He passes my phone to the other boys and they too put their number into my phone.

When they had all finished Luke passes my phone and I mutter a small thanks to all of them without looking them in the eye and turn to towards the door, quickly opening it and checking if the coast is clear. I don't want anyone to know where I had been tonight and I didn't want to get caught by security, lucky for me nobody was there.

"Wait!" It's Ashton this time stopping me from leaving. I turn around and face him, looking him dead in the eye.

"Yeah?" I ask willing him to continue.

"You never told us your name"

I nearly tell them my real name absentmindedly, but I can't, they now know too much about the real me and I refuse to put anyone else in danger.

"Emily. My name is Emily Anderson." I drop my gaze and give them a sad smile before I turn and leave, never looking back.


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