Author's Note

2K 12 6

Hey guys I know I haven't updated in awhile (Readers: Bitch it's been more than awhile,) I've caught a nasty disease and it's called Writer's Block (Readers: *Le Gasp*). I've decided on stopping the book here but my heart tells me to continue, I know some of you would like some insight on this and I wouldn't mind.

Beatrice the avian maid, the skele-bros, Undyne and Alphys deserve some more insight because I've been focusing to much on Reader-Kun an Asriel even though they're the main characters. I believe the background characters need some spotlight as well Chara, Frisk, and Flowey. So this is were you guys come in.

I want to hear the OCs you in stored so that I may use them for the story, (Readers:*Going wild in the audience as I they hug each other*) but let's make one thing clear I don't want Edgelords, Mary Sues, or Gary Stues okay. I will choose only six for each character and they have to be monsters who are not OP God* .

I also want to thank you all for the 2.k reads, the 47 votes, and comments, by the way OP God is overpowered (Superman and One Punch Man). Until then I will be updating my other story as i make more and wait to see the results.

Edit: 0 spaces left!

Edit: Time to continue!

But first let's list the lucky OCs that will participate!:

Alpha (From MisturuTheWolf)

Dexter (From JamieSquid)

Ember (From TheBananaHutt on Dev.)

Minx (By Me)

Mike (From pyrosoldier1)

Jack (From TheBananaHutt on Dev.)

Dev. is short for Deviantart

These characters will have separate chapters with Ut characters I pair them up with. They will be featured later on in the story but first give some love to these wonderful people who help me out. Don't worry you guys are wonderful too! But really thanks for reading and I'll see you guys in the next chapter,



Yandere!Asriel X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now