Chapter 5

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I was so lost in thought I didn't realize Jason lay next to me.
"Hey sam." I looked at him and smiled
"Hey Jason."
"What are you doing out here sam."
"I needed some air." I then realized what i saw. I turned to Jason and looked at him propably he had bags under his eyes and he smelt of alcohol. "Im sorry about Katie, I know she loved you once but yeah I guess people grow away from each other when they grow up."
He smiled and looked at me, his smile made my whole body go weak.

Your proabbaly wondering why ive been getting so excited around him well....I liked him once upon a time, he was my first kiss, amazing huh. I thought he liked me to but then Katie snatched him up and they dates for about 3 years, and yet to this day even though I've fallen in love with other boys he still gives me shivers.

"Its okay, we were together for three years I knew it was going to happen sooner rather than later....besides I've had my eye on someone else for a while." He said smirking

I wanted it be flirtaciois so I did my best.
I leaned onto him.
he laughed and put his arm around my waist.
"Now that's a secret young sam." he moved the hair from my face and put it behind my ear.
We just lay their looking at each other. Nothing was awkward nothing was scary it just felt right.

"Um sam.."
"U want to dance?"
"But theirs no music." I said giggling

Jason stood up and grabbed my hand. I stood up with him and took my shoes off.

He brought me closer, put his hands on my waist, I put mine on his shoulders and he started to glide along the grass. I lay my head on his chest and just walked with him enjoying the sounds of the nature.

We were dancing for about 10 more minuets before we heard screaming from the house. Jason instantly stopped and listened he took my hand. I grabbed my shoes and walked with him.

We walked into the kitchen and I saw Katie on the ground blood pouring from her forhead.I started crying without meaning to. Jaosn looked at me and then went to Katie, with me by his side.

"Move...move." he told
I sat next to her and used the wet cloth lincon had given me, I wiped the blood from her cut, watching her cringe every time it touched.
"Dang it sam, that hurts." She said eyes opening.
Jason called the hospital who said for us to bring her.
"Katie can you stand." She looked at Jason and nodded.

I helped her get up making sure she was okay to stand I started to walk to the door with her next to me. As we were walking she stopped
"What's wrong Katie?"
She pushed me into the wall and took lincons side.
"God sam, don't act like you care about me! Cause I know you don't. I don't need your help what part about that can't you get into your tiny brain!" She screamed at me I froze shocked at what she had just said. She walked towards me and put both hands onto my shoulders pinning me up against the wall.
"That's how we are sam, I hate you, you hate me!"
"what did I ever do to you to hurt you so much!" I fired back regretting what I had said.
"You don't know?" She said easing her push off me. Before she put it back again.
"Fuck you, sam, fuck you and your perfect little world, fuck you and your perfect grades, fuck you and your beauty, fuck you being the favourite child....FUCK YOU!" She screamed before leaving with lincon.

I just stood their frozen, everyone was watching me, even Sarah, I looked at her, I looked at Jason they both liked at me of I'm sorry. I couldn't stand them all watching me. I saw Sarah standing with her boyfriend Jacob crying, after I looked at her, he then walked out of the house and I heard their car leave. I then walked out after, well not really walk more like ran, I ran through the neighborhood.
"Fuck them all!" I screamed.
I ran and ran and ran until I got to a cliff. I stopped I looked and I fell to the ground my legs giving way.

"Why god, why are you doing this to me." I cried. When I was able to stand I stood and I got to the edge of the hill.
"whats the point of living if your not living."

I put on leg out it just dangling their in mid air, I closed my eyes, tears falling from my eyes.

I moved my body mass forward, but then I was pulled back. I heard someone breathing deeply like they were tired. I opened my eyes and saw Jason.

"What the fuck sam, you could of just died!" He yelled getting me up.

He just looked at me I was ready for him to leave for him to scream 'fine if you want to do it do it, I dont care about you.'
But he didn't instead he kissed me, he kissed me making my heart skip a beat making my tears stop it was probably a terrible kiss my face was all wet my lips trembling.

He pulled me closer wrapping his arms around my waist I put mine around his neck and just let myself go, when I was with him everything was fine I didn't worry about a thing.

When we finally finished he looked at me and smiled. I just looked down. "Why did you do that? I asked
"Because sam I like you okay, ever since I saw you 5 months ago when I was with your sister I've liked you, I saw you just standing in the kitchen drinking water, you just sat their, we talked remember, you treated me like a proper person not some guy who plays sport and is good at it like eveyone else, you treated me like how I wanted to be treated."

I smiled and walked back to the neighborhood, with him following.  He dropped me home, when i got inside my reality hit me and I saw mum, dad and Katie all their, Katie had stiches.
"Where have you been, and you didn't think about going with your sister!" Mum yelled
"I'm sorry." I said head down
"and what are you wearing!"
"She was trying to impress someone, mum." Katie said with a smirk on her face.
Dad then stood up.
"Who not a boy I hope."
"Yes a boy, she was hoping to stay at his house tonight."
Dad and mum looked at me shocked.
"what has happened to you, go to your room, there will be no more of this, you are grounded you will not see anyone after school. And I will have your phone." mum put her hand out, I got my phone and gave it to her before getting to bed.

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