Rainy Days

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Pitter patter,

Tears fall down,

From the sky is a rippling sound,

Roaring of warriors striking their swords,

Cries of the Angels who pray to the lords,

Giving their smiles of hope to the earth,

Gracing the long gone and the new birthed,

Loving those who have made it through,

Even the ones whose war only grew,

Those who fought and those who gave in,

All have a place in this safe haven,

So worry not for they cheer you on,

Tears of happiness in a mingled song,

They cry and hope that you'll dance in their rain,

Praying you'll be healed from past pain,

They watch as you fight day after day,

Wishing that you'll make it farther than they,

Encouraging you with a loud battle cry,

Even the ones who have to say goodbye,

So the next time it storms don't be too scared,

For it's the Angels who're proud that you are there.

"Because I love the rain and how it makes me feel new."

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