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Joey's Pov

"But what exactly is karma......." I zone out as the professor gives us a lesson.

I look over to my right, to see a tired-looking Dani take notes on the lesson.

"Hey, can I borrow a pencil?" I whisper to her.

"Yeah." she whispers back, handing me a pencil the looking up at the professor,  who is now looking directly at us.

"Joey. Can you explain to everyone what karma is?" he looks at me, expecting an answer.

I see Dani smirking  me out the corner of my eye.

"It's um..... Uh.... A dessert, t-topping that you put on like, ice cream?"

The class laughs at this, including Dani. She never laughs at anything.

"Karma is like, when you do something bad, and then something bad happens to you, as like revenge from God or something." Dani jumps in, making me look stupid in front of everyone in the room. 

She never ceases to amaze me

"Correct." Professor Davis tells Dani, turning away from me.

As he continues on with his lesson, I start to zone out again due to boredness.

"Caramel? Nice one, doofus." Dani says to me.

"Well, at least I'm not a freakin' know-it-all." 

"I'm not a know-it-all. I'm just not a complete moron. How is it that Cat, the smartest girl I know got denied from all of her dream collages, but Mr. Sex God got into his first choice."

"It's probably because I--"

"I really don't wanna know, actually." she says, cutting me off.

I laugh at this, before turning my attention back to the Professor.

A/N Hey! This is my favorite chapter of the whole fanfic so far for some reason. 

Just wanted to share that.......

K Bye.


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