I put my socks on my feet

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I obeyed Jacob, and took off my crocs. Then I snapped out of it. 

 "Jacob! We're late for class! It's 9 o'clock!" I yelled.

 "Oh crap." Jacob said, and turned off the shower water. He wrapped a towel around his waist and stepped out. He got dressed in a blue sweatshirt and sweatpants, and topped it off with a baseball hat. 

 "Alright Em, let's go!" Jacob said.

We ran out of the shower, and opened our doors. Hopefully we weren't too late. I checked my Spider-Man watch. 9:15, darn we were pretty late. When I walked into my first class, no one was there.

 "What? Why isn't anyone here?" I asked.

 Jacob replied, " Oh I forgot, we were supposed to meet in the auditorium for an assembly!" 

 The auditorium was unfortunately on the other side of the school, making us even more late. When we finally got there, everyone looked at us. We quickly found a seat towards the back. Mr. Way and Simon Cowell were talking in the front of the room.

 "So," Simon started, " As we were saying, Way Elementary is going to be holding a talent show, with me being a judge. My acquaintance Howie Mandel, who could not be here today, is also going to be a judge. And Mr. Way is going to be the host. The talent show is in two months, you have until then to figure out your talent, groups, costumes, music, and props. The first place winner gets a Club Penguin Membership that lasts for a whole month!"

 "Wow Emery," Jacob whispered to me," We have to win that prize, we should be a group together."

 I nodded my head in agreement, and continued to listen to Simon. He began to hand out flyers and sign up sheets, and I eagerly grabbed them all. Jacob, on the other hand, continued to check his musicallys. I was so excited about the talent show, I had to call Tyler and Josh, on the new IPhone 4 they got me. I called Mr. Fuentes over, considering he was the closest teacher to me and asked to go to the bathroom. I quickly ran into my dorm room, and dialed their number. When they picked up, I told them everything. I hung up immediately and ran back to class. 

 However, when I went back to the auditorium, Mr. Fuentes was waiting right for me, next to the door. Uh oh, he didn't look happy. 

 "Mr. Julian? You have been in the "bathroom" for about 15 minutes. Care to explain?" Mr. Fuentes said.

  "Explosive diarrhea." Was all I could say back.

 He looked shocked, and then let me back into the auditorium. Simon was still speaking, and Jacob was still on musically.

 "Some ideas for the talent show is singing, dancing, juggling, arm farting, archery, twerking, or any other ideas, as long as they are appropriate." Simon said.

The assembly lasted for about five more minutes, then we were dismissed to our second period class.

 I had science with Mr Way. It wasn't the same person as the principal though. They must be brothers. 

 "Ok students, I'm going to pair you up with your partner which you will sit next to for the rest of the year." Mr way said. I crossed my fingers that Jacob and I were partners.

 "Jacob and Matty. Rosie and Sophia Grace. Becky and Jessica. Emery and Alana."

I looked around the room, who's Alana? A plump blonde girl began waddling towards me.

 "Howdy my names Alana Thompson but you can call me Honey Boo Boo." She said.

 "Um ok. So i guess we're partners?" I asked.

Adopted By Twenty One Pilots- Emery's AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now