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Max walked into the bedroom. Hannah was still asleep. He smirked and took off his boxers.
"Wake up princess," he said.

Hannah whimpered and rolled over. She opened her eyes and seen Max standing there naked. She bit her lip.
"Damn," she mumbled. Max smiled and climbed onto the bed.
"I thought we should celebrate our engagement."
"Oh how so?"
Max smirked. "Well, my friend wants to join in."
Hannah grinned. "Ah well tell your friend that I'm tired," she said.
Max smirked and kissed Hannah passionately. She kissed back.

Max pulled the duvet over them and pushed into her. Hannah moaned and hooked onto his shoulders. "Wait."
Hannah grinned. "What's Autumn doing?"
"Our little woman is fast asleep. Ive checked on her before waking you up," Max told her. Hannah smiled and nodded. They made out passionately.

Hannah dug her nails into his back.
"Damn you're good baby," Hannah said.
"Thanks. But it takes two."
Hannah grinned and made out with him. He pulled away and began to kiss her neck.
"Ugh!" Hannah moaned.
Max smirked. "Like that?"
"Mmm. Yeah. Keep doing it," she moaned.

Before they could climax, they heard Autumn cooing over the baby monitor. Hannah rolled her eyes. "I swear she knows when we're doing this," she joked
"She does!" Max agreed. Hannah giggled. They both sped up a bit and climaxed.

They quickly got off each other and went to the nursery. Autumn grinned up at them.
"Cheeky madam," she said. Hannah lifted up Autumn and kissed her cheek. She held her tightly.

Max smiled at them. He loved them both so much.
"I'm so lucky," he said.
Hannah rolled her eyes. "Daddy is being soppy again baby. We need to make him manly," she said.
Max smirked. "It's hard to believe she's six months," he said.
Hannah nodded. "Yeah I know. I want my tiny baby back."

Hannah and Max went to have their breakfast. Hannah fed Autumn her baby porridge. "I'm glad she finds this satisfying cause I don't," she said.

When they'd eaten, Hannah got Autumn in her bouncer while she and Max got ready. Hannah put the bouncer on their bed.

Max and Hannah began to make out. Every time they did, Autumn would coo.
"See what I mean?" Hannah said.
Max chuckled and kissed his daughter's head.

Max smiled and got ready. When they were both ready, Hannah went over to Max. She started to fix his tie.
"There you go," Hannah said.
Max grinned. "What would I do without you?"
"Wank yourself off mate," she joked.
Hannah grinned. "I know and my baby girl loves that," she said.

Hannah walked into Autumn's nursery to find her something to wear. Max came in holding Autumn. "How about something not pink?" Max suggested as Autumn played with his tie.
"How about something pink," Hannah said. She grinned. "She's a girl Max. She will love pink."
Hannah took out a pink dress. Autumn squealed and clapped her hands.
"Choice is made," Hannah said. Max chuckled. He laid Autumn down on her changing unit and began to change her nappy.

Autumn grinned at Max. Hannah knew what was coming. Autumn started to pee on him. Max groaned and held a nappy to her to stop it going everywhere. Autumn giggled

Hannah was in tears of laughter. Max glared at her. "This is the third time this week she's done this."
"Oh I know. I love it."
Max rolled his eyes.

Hannah took over while Max got changed. He walked in to see Autumn in a pink dress with a pink cardigan and white tights with a little bow in her hair. "See. She makes all the pee worth while."
Max smiled and nodded. He loved both Hannah and Autumn so much. He hadn't felt so happy before.

Max and Hannah put Autumn into the car and drove to work. Autumn babbled to herself.
"She's so cute!" Hannah said.
Max chuckled. "I can't deny it. She really is."

They stopped at lights and Autumn began to giggle and pull at her feet.
"She's taken her shoes off," Hannah said.
She grinned at Autumn in her carseat.
"We'll sort them when we're there."
Hannah nodded.

They arrived at work with Autumn. The daycare Autumn attended was closed due to a strike. "Will she be alright in the office? You know she's crawling now," Hannah said as she put Autumn's shoes back on.
"Of course. Besides where can she get to?"
Hannah grinned. "I followed her to the kitchen and into the washing basket last night."
Max groaned. Hannah smiled and lifted her up. They took her inside and to the staff room.

Everyone cooed over Autumn. Tom went over to Hannah. Autumn began to pull at his tie and hair.
"Cheeky missy," Hannah said. Autumn giggled. Hannah kissed her daughter's head.

Max smiled at Hannah and Autumn.
"Okay everyone!" Max said to get people's attention.
"Year 9 Exams are taking place today so I'd like you all to keep the other years in control."
Hannah grinned as Autumn started clapping. Tom laughed. "She doing pat-a-cake already?"
"Oi. Clarkson. My baby is advanced," Hannah said.

Karen had walked in and Autumn started crying. Hannah sniggered. "I know baby. She makes me cry too," she whispered.
Autumn nuzzled her head into Hannah's neck. Max noticed her get unsettled. He nodded at Hannah. Hannah stood up and walked out with Autumn.

They sat in the office and Autumn became happier. She giggled and clapped her hands again.
"You don't like her do you baby?" she asked. Autumn shook her head. Hannah grinned.
"You're too cute," she told her daughter.
The office door opened and Max walked in. "What happened?"
"Karen walked in and she started crying."
Max nodded. "She needs some daddy time."

Hannah went to teach so Max took Autumn to his office. He sat with her on his lap. Karen walked in. "A baby?"
Autumn began to cry. Max held her close.
"Get out!" Max complained. Karen stormed out.

Autumn calmed down immediately and played with Max's tie. He smiled. He loved Autumn so much.
"No boy is allowed to date you," Max warned Autumn. Autumn looked at him. "No don't give me that look. I'm being serious."
Autumn giggled. Max smiled.

Hannah was teaching. Max kept sending her photos through of him and Autumn. Hannah grinned. She replied back.
"Quit distracting me - H x"

She sent the text. Sam smiled at her. "Miss, how's Autumn?" She asked.
"She's great Sam. She's in the school today."
Everyone smiled. "Can we see her?"

Hannah stood and walked to the office. She walked in and took Autumn. "Han?"
"She has an audience."

Max chuckled and went too. They went to Hannah's room. Autumn was amazed at everyone. She waved. Everyone cooed.
"Miss she's gorgeous," Sam said.

Hannah took Autumn round the classroom. Everyone waved at her. Autumn loved the people looking at her.
"She's lovely miss. She's getting big," Lauren said. Hannah nodded.
"I know. Likes to pee on her daddy though."

Max rolled his eyes and took Autumn. "We'll be in the office," he said.
"Bye baby girl."

Max left with Autumn. Hannah grinned. "She's the cutest miss."
"Oh I know."

Max walked into the office and saw Karen in there. Chris was there too. Autumn hid her head. Max began rubbing her back to get her to sleep. "Is she alright?" Chris asked.
"She just doesn't like some people. She must know the people who upset her mother," Max spat. Karen rolled her eyes.

Autumn slept peacefully in Max's arms as they had a meeting. As she slept, she opened her mouth slightly and her dummy kept falling out. Max smiled and put it back in her mouth, kissing her head every time

Hannah had a free period now. She walked to the staffroom. Tom was in there. "Alright?"
"Yeah. Tired."
Tom smirked. "Too much sex?"

Hannah rolled her eyes and sat down. Tom came and sat with her. "Woah. What's that?"
"What's what?"
"The ring."
Hannah grinned. "Max proposed last night. After I spent the evening following Autumn."
Tom smiled widely. "Congratulations. Max is a very lucky man."
"Thank you Tom," she said and hugged him.

Hannah showed Tom a video of Autumn crawling away and hiding in the laundry basket. Tom chuckled
"She's a right little madam," he said.
"That she is. I swear she takes after Max but he tells me different," Hannah told him. Tom chuckled.
Hannah put her phone away when Karen walked in. Chris had Autumn. "Why do you have her?" She asked.
"Max asked me to bring her to you. Said she needed feeding."
Hannah rolled her eyes but took her daughter.

Tom heated up some baby food for Autumn. Hannah groaned. "Tom, could you do me a favour?"
Hannah smiled. "Can you go and get me her pushchair from the car? It's the pink one," she joked.
"How many pushchairs have you got?" Tom asked. Hannah giggled.
"Well, I need one for Max too," she joked. Tom chuckled and got Hannah's car keys before going to the car.

Chris brought over the baby food for Autumn before leaving with Karen. Hannah seen Autumn grinning up at her.
"You only smile like that when Daddy lets you sleep for too long," Hannah said to her daughter. Autumn giggled and clapped her hands. Hannah smiled. "Thought so. I'll have to have words with him."
Hannah smiled as Tom came in. "Thank you Clarky."
"Very welcome."
Hannah smiled and put Autumn in her pushchair to feed her. "You're so cute!"

When she had been fed, Hannah walked to the office. Autumn was chewing on a rusk. Max smiled up. "Hey."
"So. Someone let my baby sleep too long because she's happy."
Max chuckled. "She looked so peaceful. I didn't want to have to wake her up. You know that she gets grumpy with me when I wake her up."
Hannah grinned and sat on the sofa. She lifted Autumn out and burped her.

Max got out he nappy changing stuff and handed it to Hannah.
"Your job," he said.
Max groaned. "She always pees on me!"
Hannah laughed and kissed Autumn's head.
"She's a good baby that's why," Hannah told him with a wink.

Hannah changed Autumn and smiled. Autumn was playing with Hannah's necklace. "You're so cute," she said.
"She is."

Hannah closed the door to the office. She put Autumn down. Autumn began crawling around. Max watched her carefully.

Hannah sat at the desk while Max followed Autumn around the office. She went over to the bin. "Ah no."
Autumn pouted. She babbled and kneeled up to mess. "Autumn no," Max said sternly.

Autumn turned to look at him and pouted. He saw her lip quivering.
"No please don't," he mumbled. Autumn began to cry. He let her play with some of the cardboard in the bin. She grinned up at him.

Hannah smiled as Max came over to her.
"You okay?" he asked. Hannah nodded and cuddled into him. Autumn crawled over to them. She sat on her bum and put her hands up. Hannah lifted her and sat her in her lap.

"She has you wrapped around her little finger," Hannah said.
"I know."
Hannah grinned and kissed his cheek. Autumn babbled.

The school day had ended. Max carried the stuff while Hannah carried Autumn.

They arrived home and Hannah put Autumn down. Max watched as she crawled off. "Max," Hannah whined.
Max ran and grabbed her. Autumn giggled in his arms.
"She's too cute but she's a menace," Max said. Autumn pouted at him.

Max ordered some baby safe gates for around the house so Autumn wouldn't crawl far. Hannah laid down with Autumn. Max smiled.
"You two look so alike," he commented. Autumn was falling asleep on Hannah's chest.
Hannah smiled. "Well she's my little princess."
"She's actually a daddy's girl," Max said.

Autumn suddenly sat up. She giggled. "Ooo."
Hannah grinned. "Sleepy baby."
Max lifted Autumn up to let Hannah sit up. Autumn grinned and giggled as Max spun her around.

Hannah went to make dinner. Max put Autumn in her bouncer in front of the TV to watch Peppa Pig. He went to the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Hannah from behind. He peeked her neck.
"You're beautiful," he told her.
"You're creeping."
Max nodded. "I know."
Hannah laughed.

"Chicken casserole okay?" Hannah asked.

Hannah went to check on Autumn. She saw her baby sitting watching TV with her dummy and teddy.
"Maxy!" Hannah called. Max sprinted in thinking something was wrong. He breathed a sigh of relief.
"Thank goodness," he mumbled.
"Isn't she so cute?"

Hannah smiled and lifted Autumn out of her bouncer. She sat down with Autumn in her lap. Autumn held her teddy close to her and sucked on her dummy as she watched the TV. Max sat down with them and held Hannah close.
Max went to feed Autumn while Hannah finished off the dinner. The doorbell rang and so Hannah went to answer.

Hannah opened the door and grinned. "Lisa! Richard!"

Max paled when he heard his parent's names. That meant he would be on a sex ban until they left.
He groaned. He looked at Autumn.
"Yes, daddy's on a sex ban now," he said. Autumn giggled. "No baby girl. It's not funny."

Hannah went into the kitchen.
"I need to make two extra places now," Hannah said. She began to sort out the table. Autumn fed from Max easily. She seen Max staring at Hannah's bum as she bent over to fix the table. Autumn began to bang on the high chair table. Hannah laughed.
"That will teach you to pay more attention to feeding her and not my ass," Hannah told him.
Max rolled his eyes. He finished feeding Autumn. "There we go."
"Do you want to get her to bed while I finish this?" Hannah asked.
Hannah smiled. "Go and say hello to your parents."

Max took Autumn to get ready for bed. He saw his parents. "Dinner will be ready soon."
"Thank you."

Hannah grinned and walked into the living room. "Dinner is served."
Lisa and Richard sat at the table. Hannah put out the food on plates. Max came down.
"That's her nappy changed, pyjamas on and fast asleep," Max said to Hannah. Hannah pecked his lips.
"Thank you babe," Hannah replied. She put on the baby monitor in the kitchen.

Max felt awkward around his parents. He always did. Hannah did most of the talking for the two of them. Max's hand laid on her thigh. Hannah was slightly shocked but didn't react.

"The spare bedroom is set up ready," Max said.
"Thank you."
Hannah smiled. "There won't be any sexual contact tonight."

Max inwardly groaned. He looked at Hannah and winked. Hannah grinned.

After they'd eaten, Hannah washed up. Max helped. "What's this about no sex?"
"Well precisely that."
"Hannah, you know we do it every night," Max said. Hannah grinned.
"I know but your parents are here so you need to behave yourself."

Max stood behind Hannah as she washed up. Hannah could feel his manhood against her.
"Maxy what are you doing?" Hannah asked.
"I'm making you want it."
Hannah grinned. "Oh please."

Hannah turned to face Max. She let him kiss her. "Ooo baby."
"If we don't moan, we'll do it."
"Fine. But when they're in bed," Hannah said. Max nodded. Autumn whined over the baby monitor. Hannah went upstairs to see her.

Max went into the living room. The tension was obvious. You could cut it with a knife.

Hannah smiled and lifted Autumn.
"Hello baby," Hannah said. Autumn whimpered and cuddled into her.
Hannah got Autumn settled again. She walked downstairs and sat with Max. Hannah cuddled into him. "Is Autumn okay?" Lisa asked.
"Yeah. She just dropped her dummy," Hannah said.

Around an hour later, Hannah and Max went to bed. Hannah grinned and closed the door. Max was on the bed in his boxers. "Babe, the baby monitor is downstairs," Hannah complained.

Max groaned and walked downstairs to get it. Hannah grinned and took off her clothes and underwear. She laid on the bed waiting for Max.

Max came back upstairs and closed the door quietly. He grinned when he seen Hannah.
"Oh babe, you know how to surprise me," Max said. He put the baby monitor on the bedside table and laid beside Hannah.

Hannah pulled Max on top of her. She grinned and kissed him. "I love you Max."
"I know. I love you too."

Hannah got Max's boxers off. She grinned and took his member into her hand. "Remember. No loud moaning," she said.
"I think that should apply to you," max said
Hannah giggled and kissed him. She began to play with his member.
"Enough of that," he said and pulled her hand away.

Hannah grinned as she felt Max push into her.
"Oh Maxy!" Hannah moaned in a whisper.
"That's if baby. Just whisper," Max whispered into her ear.

They tried to go at a speed so the bed wouldn't squeak.
Lisa and Richard were sitting in the spare bedroom. They heard Hannah giggling. "They lied."
"I will have Hannah tomorrow. She isn't suitable enough for our son," Lisa said.

Hannah was moaning quietly. Max smirked. "Good girl."
"I'm your bad girl though."
"Too right," Max said and bit on her earlobe. Hannah bit her lip so she wouldn't moan out loud.

Max and Hannah felt like they were nearly ready to climax.
"Damn I'm close," Hannah mumbled.
"Me too babe," he replied.

Hannah dug her nails into Max's back as she felt herself climaxing.
Hannah and Max kissed and dropped off to sleep.

The next morning, Hannah went downstairs. Lisa was sitting awake. "How much?"
Hannah frowned. "What?"
"How much will it take to get you and the baby out of Max's life?" Lisa asked.

Hannah was shocked. "You what? I love Max. He loves me and he adores our daughter."
Lisa looked at her. "You listen to me. My Max deserves better than you."

Hannah ignored her and started to make breakfast. She couldn't stop thinking about what she had said. Suddenly, Hannah began to have doubts. She wanted to speak with Max to see if he thought she was good enough.

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