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Chapter eight: A night at the skeleton brother's house

Sans had asked Papyrus If you could stay the night at his their house, Papyrus being as kind as he is even let you stay for as long as you liked.
You were again sitting on the couch, it was comfortable and it was also your temporary bed, Sans gave you the opportunity to stay in his room and he said he would take the couch but you politely declined his offer.


You were now currently laying on your stomach, your clothed stomach making contact with the cold floor, your elbows were helping you hold yourself up as you drew in a sketchbook. 
You realised that you were still wearing Sans' fluffy, blue jacket.

"Hey Sans?" you asked still continuing to draw, "Yeah kiddo?" You gently dropped your pencil and looked back at Sans, "I'm keeping your jacket now.." he chuckled, "and why's that?" you thought for a short while before you replied, "Because It's fluffy and I like it." Sans chuckled again, "You can keep it." You sat up and turned your full attention over to Sans, "Really??" you questioned a little surprised that he had let you keep his jacket. 

"Yep, besides I have another that looks just like that one."
You stood up and walked up to Sans, you then hugged him, "Thank you." Sans' boney hand made it's way towards your H/c hair and gently stroked it like Toriel had at the beginning of your journey.

You smiled but didn't let go on Sans' boney torso, you didn't know why but he was warm, despite being a skeleton he was warm.

Sans removed his hand from your head leaving your hair alone, you quietly whined but let go of Sans, releasing him from the hug.

You looked at Sans as he also looked at you, after a few minutes of the two of you having a staring contest you began to grow a little uncomfortable and looked away from Sans, "What are you staring at?" 

From the corner of your eyes you could off sworn you saw a light shade of blue dusted over Sans' cheekbones, your curious little mind wanted to ask him about it but you shrugged it off because you didn't get a good look at his face so it could of just been your imagination.

You looked back at your unfinished drawing, 'Well, I better finish that.' you said to yourself as you positioned yourself so that your stomach was in contact with the floor and your elbows were once again helping you hold yourself up, you picked the pencil up with your dominant hand and continued to draw.

"What the-"
"No...What the frick IS that??" You stared at your unfinished drawing, it was a picture of you standing next to Sans, you were wearing his jacket while Sans was also wearing one, Papyrus standing beside Sans. The sketch of the two skeletons' looked decent, the drawing of you looked pretty good as well but, the eyes weren't even.

"Twinkle twinkle little star..."
"Why is art so freaking hard??"
"Up above the world so high.."
"I can't draw the other eye..."
"Twinkle twinkle little-" you grabbed the eraser and started to erase one of the eyes, until a ripping sound was heard,
"F*CK!" You yelled in frustration as you looked at the now ripped paper in front of you, "I give up..."

You were too busy glaring at the ripped paper that was sitting in front of you that you didn't notice Sans get up, you didn't even notice him sit next to you.
You sighed and looked to your side where Sans was sitting, you jumped, "When the heck did you get there?" Sans didn't say anything, he just shrugged as his eyesockets wandered over to your drawing, the paper was ripped and somehow smudged. 

You sighed again, "It looks horrible doesn't it." 
"Nah, It actually looks pretty good." Sans picked up the sketchbook, looking at the piece of paper that had your unfinished drawing on it, "Do ya think some tape will fix the rip?" 
You shook your head, "Nope, It'll only make it worse." You put a smile on your face, "Don't worry about it, i'll start over."

Sans raised a non-existent eyebrow at you and gave you a look that read something along the lines of, 'Are you sure?' You noticed his look and nodded, "I'm sure."
Sans gently put the sketchbook down, his hand still on it, you didn't really pay attention to his hand so you reached over for your sketchbook to close it, your hand brushed against Sans' in the progress.

Your eyes widened as you quickly shut the sketchbook, resulting in it closing on Sans' hand, 'Hopefully he doesn't think I tried to grab his hand!" you mentally panicked. "S-Sorry about that." you said sheepishly, trying to ease the slight tension that decided to show up.

"It's Snow  problem." Sans replied, he was pointing towards the window where the snow that was outside was visible, "Was that a-" you couldn't finish your sentence before a loud laugh made it's way out of your throat, you covered your mouth with one hand to try and seize your laughter, Your laughter setting Sans off, you were both laughing like there was no tomorrow.

Why did a bad pun make you erupt into a fit of laughter? Who knows, How or why does it even snow in the underground? Once again who knows.

"SANS, HUMAN, WHAT'S SO FUNNY?" Papyrus walked into the house, shutting the door behind him, some snow rested atop of his clothing(?).
"N-Nothing pap, I was just telling Y/n something and I guess you can say they found it quite..."

Papyrus let out a frustrated, "NYEHHHH." While both you and sans erupted into a fit of laughter again, "Come on Papyrus, You have to admit that was a real rip-tickler!" You said in between your non-stopping laughter,

Once again you and Sans burst into another fit of laughter, Your face flushed red as tears brimmed the edge of your eyes, you had to take deep breaths to stop yourself from laughing to death. That'd be an.... 'Unusual death.. Death by laughter..'

~(Death by laughter is the new Death by glamour xD)

After what felt like hours you and Sans had managed to calm down, you were currently laying down on your back on the ground next to Sans, You had challenged him to a contest, the contest being, whoever stays up the longest wins. It was currently 2am, a fluffy blanket was wrapped around you, "Hey Sans, you still awake..?" you whispered and waited for a response, "Yeah.." 

You felt your eyelids get heavy, you couldn't stay up any longer, your eyes had closed them self, you soon fell asleep.


You shifted slightly, you were awake.. well, half awake but you didn't open your eyes just yet, you felt something warm beside one of your arms, without thought and hesitation you reached out, put your arms around whatever it was that was beside you and pulled it closer, into a hug, It was almost like a teddy bear but it was slightly boney. You shifted again, your face was now buried into the 'Teddy bear' that you were hugging, the faint smell of ketchup greeting your nose.


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