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Chapter nine: indescribable spaghetti

A/n This is a scene from last chapter but it's in Sans' point of view okay?

Sans' P.O.V

It was currently 2am, Y/n had challenged me to a contest on who could stay up the longest, I was laying next to her flat on my back, "Hey Sans, you still awake..?" Y/n quietly spoke, I moved my head to the side so I was now looking at her, "Yeah.." I responded. 

Every now and then her eyes would slowly close before they slowly opened again, eventually her eyes remained closed, she had fallen asleep.
I closed my eyesockets and silently yawned, I've already won the contest so I can doze off without a problem.
But there was a problem.

Sleep doesn't just happen instantly, it takes awhile to fall asleep, I have been tossing and turning for about an hour trying to fall asleep. I was currently laying on my side, facing Y/n's sleeping figure. I continued to try to fall asleep but I wasn't successful, I re-opened my eyesockets that I had closed awhile ago, I saw Y/n roll onto her side and move closer to me, It didn't look like she was asleep but it didn't look like she was awake either, I just shrugged it off until I felt two arms wrap around my torso.

My eye sockets widened in surprise, but they soon returned to normal, my permanent smile grew a little bigger, I moved one of my hands towards her head and placed it atop of her head, gently stroking her hair, I closed my eyes, enjoying being in Y/n's warm embrace I fell asleep minutes later.


Y/n's P.O.V

You slowly opened your eyes, your vision was a little blurry but there was something beside you, your vision slowly cleared and once it did you saw a familiar short skeleton beside you, in your arms. As soon as you had realised that you were practically hugging Sans, using him as a teddy bear you removed your arms from his torso, your face a little red from embarrassment, 'Thank god he's asleep and didn't realise...' 

You started to get up but you couldn't due to, two bony arms wrapping them self around your torso, You were now Sans' teddy bear. You were facing him, your stomach touching his ribs. You stared at his closed eyesockets before sighing and trying to escape his warm embrace.

Sans didn't let you escape his embrace, if anything you trying to get away made his grip slightly tighten, "Sans are you awake?" you reached your hand towards his face and poked his cheekbone, He didn't respond to your question, "Maybe he is still asleep..?" you said to no one in particular, you could of sworn that you saw the edges of his teeth turn upwards, 'Is he Smirking?'

"Sans you bastard, you're awake aren't you?" 
You sighed, again no answer, you tried to pry his hands off of your torso, surprisingly you succeeded, once you were out of his hold you rolled away from him.

You then stood up and walked over to Sans who was still laying on the floor you then looked at him, It didn't take long for his eyesockets to open, he chuckled and looked at you, "How'd ya know I was awake?"

"I dunno, I just did.." You outstretched your arm towards him, he took your hand and you helped him up, when you were both on your two feet you asked Sans a question, "Why did you just randomly hug me?" A small tinge of blue dusted over Sans' cheekbones, "You did the same to me so I returned the favour."

It was your turn to blush, your face flushed a light shade of crimson, "No I didn't, I don't remember hugging you like a teddy bear so-" You were interrupted by a chuckle, "Sorry to say kiddo but I was awake the whole time, So are ya gonna admit that I was your teddy bear." Sans said with his usual shít-eating grin.
"Alright fine, I don't remember hugging you but what i do remember is waking up with my arms around you."

Sans' grin grew, he was about to say something but Papyrus came out from his room and spoke, "SANS, HUMAN, ARE YOU AWAKE?" You covered your ears from Papyrus' loud voice, "Yeah we're awake!" you shouted back but mumbled a short sentence after replying to Papyrus, "Even if we weren't awake we would be now."
Sans chuckled again, I guess he heard you.

Papyrus had energetically made his way down the stairs and walked towards you and Sans, Papyrus was now standing in front of the two of you, It looked like he was about to say something but your stomach growled, sounding like a dying whale.

Your face once again flushed red as your hands made their way over to your stomach and wrapped them self around it, "HUMAN ARE YOU HUNGRY?" Papyrus asked, you just nodded in response, "I KNOW THE PERFECT SOLUTION! I THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL MAKE YOU SOME SPAGHETTI!"
"That would be great Papyrus." You gave him a kind smile.


You were currently sitting at the table next to Sans, you were waiting for Papyrus to finish making the Spaghetti, so far it smelled amazing, "Hey kiddo." You turned your attention over to Sans, "Yeah?"
"You sure about trying Pap's Spaghetti?" 

You gave him a questioning look, "Yep, I'm hungry so I'm gonna eat it, besides it can't be that bad right?" Your question seemed rhetorical Sans only sighed and looked at you quite amused.

Papyrus came into view carrying a rather large plate full of spaghetti, he placed the plate in front of you, the size of the spaghetti intimidated you, There was no way you were going to be able to eat all that. You gulped, picked up the fork from the table and twirled it in the spaghetti, you pulled the fork out of the spaghetti, now that you take a better look the spaghetti looked a little sparkly and shiny, you shrugged it off and ate the spaghetti that was on the fork.

You excitedly ate the spaghetti, chewing it at a rapid pace, you started to chew it a little slower once the flavours had hit your tongue, It tasted... Indescribable. You looked at Sans who had a hand over his teeth, muffled laughs spilling out of his non-existent lips, you looked at Papyrus who eagerly awaited your response to his spaghetti.

After many struggles you had managed to swallow the spaghetti that you had been chewing for roughly about 5 minutes. "WELL HUMAN... HOW WAS IT?" Papyrus had asked as soon as the spaghetti had gone down your throat. "I-It was delicious." you lied, you didn't want to hurt Papyrus' feelings with the truth, he's too sweet for that. 
"REALLY?? I'M GLAD!" Papyrus said happily.

You looked at Sans, you gave him a look that read 'help' he must of understood what you were trying to say because he distracted Papyrus long enough so you could sneak your plateful of spaghetti into the rubbish bin, you felt bad for dumping the food that Papyrus had kindly made into the bin but you took a deep breath and got over it.

You sneakily walked back over to Sans and Papyrus, Sans was distracting Papyrus by talking to him, you quietly put your plate onto the table and sat back down, "Thank you Papyrus." Papyrus had stopped talking to his brother and turned his attention to you, "WOWIE IF YOU ATE IT ALL YOU MUST REALLY ENJOY MY COOKING!" You only nodded.

Never again were you going to take another bite of Papyrus' Spaghetti.


It's probably gonna be a little confusing because I'm writing this with no sleep and i'm tired.

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