Last Chapter- The Wedding

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About six months ago, we went and changed our names. I am no longer Kylie-Ashley, I'm Ash. Although I still have a habit of signing everything K.A, oh well. Old habits die hard, but with the help of my lovely bride to be (in about 10 minutes!) I'll manage.

"Ash! Quit pacing!" Harry snapped.

"You're making me dizzy and I do not need to throw up." Jay added, attempting to tie his bow tie.

There was a knock in the door.

"Come in!" I called as I tried to pin my thistle to my jacket.

The door opened and in walked the two people that were going to sing at the reception.

Anna and Luka. Although, Anna isn't her name. It's Alyssa-Marianne, but Luka told us to call her Anna, and plus it's way easier.

Anna wore a bright blue jumpsuit with little jewels forming little butterflies across the top half of it. She had silver flats on.

Luka wore a suit of sorts, he had black dress trousers on, a blue shirt (almost matching Anna's dress, I swear those two are dating) and an unbuttoned black waistcoat with black and blue trainers.

"You look good kid." I told Luka, attempting to smooth down his wild curls.  He's my suture cousin in law, and Anna is his best mate.

"Don't even bother trying to tame that. We tried. We failed." Anna informed us, causing us to laugh.

" "we" being her, Laine and Sally. They literally got Levi to tie me to a chair so I would sit still! I do not like people touching my hair!" Luka exclaimed.

"I know the feeling kid." Laughed Harry.

"Oh shut up, you know you love it." Jay smirked at Harry.

"Ex nae on gay Kay!" Harry hissed.

Luka snorted and Anna scoffed.

"What's up kids?" I asked.

"Well....." Luka smirked.

"It's obvious. They're together. A monkey could've told you that." Anna laughed as she tied Luka's tie for him.

"You're such a mom." Luka laughed.

"Oh shut up, yer actin' like yer twaw years old ye bloody bairn!" Anna laughed, her Scottish accent showing.

"You know you're the only Scott in this room right?" Luka laughed.

"He's right. We all moved from the US."

"Go niners!" Harry and Luka shouted, causing Jay and Anna to role their eyes.

"I may be the only Scott. And I'm the only lassie as well. But guess what? I've still got mare baws than you, you bloody twat." Anna laughed.

A few minutes of awkward silence passed.

"Hey Anna?" Harry and Jay asked, breaking the silence.


"Can you tie a bow tie?" They asked.

Anna laughed as she started to tie their bow ties for them.

"Uhhh, Anna?"

"Don't worry, I'll tie yours too!" Anna giggled.


She reached for my left hand with her right, but I gave her my right hand and wrapped my other arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

"You look beautiful." I whispered in her ear.

"Thanks, Luka's girlfriend did my hair and makeup for me. She's so sweet." She told me.

"Yeah, she had to tie our ties too. And she did Jays hair for him." I chuckled quietly.


We were all dancing at the reception now. A few of the Rios guys were there (but they all have different last names) and my parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles were there. Most of the brides family was related to Luka somehow, or they were his mates. The professional decorator round here was rubbish so he and his mates decorated for us.

"This next song is for the happy couple. According to Luka, it fits their old situation perfectly, as it had been September when they last saw each other, they were only 15, and they had a special song which we've already sang. So, this is our cover of September Song." Anna said into the microphone.

"Our love was strong as a lion....."

I leaned down and kissed my beautiful bride when the song ended.

"I love you so much Ash McKinnon." She said quietly.

"I love you too Mrs Rainelle McKinnon." I smirked.

"You're gonna call me that for so long aren't you?"

"Yep. Hey, how about Rain for a nickname?"

"I like it."

So yeah. That was our wedding. I am Melodia (I'm Spanish, I translated my name to make it slightly easier to pronounce) and K.A is Ash.  Our wedding was amazing, and the music was great. Actually, Luka, Laine and Anna have wattpad so if you wanna go check them out, here's their profiles-
Luka (he has a shared account with Anna, he forgot his password to his old one)- beautyqueen_sparky
Laine- laine_werewolf
Anna- sparky1607

Im sorry this story ended so quickly but I couldn't relive my old memories, it hurt too much. I thought we could do it but I was wrong.

But thank you so much for reading, checkout our other stories (roommates is written by me only, and Pen Pals is cowritten, well, it will be, there's gonna be a few scenes that I just can't write so Ash will do that for me).

Rain and Ash x

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