Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

After what's seemed like eternity, packing up for the start of something horrible. I rummaged through the remainder of my clothes to find something suitable for me to wear. I have to look bothered but not too bothered, which a hint of I really like will you please fuck me.

Thus the reason I've decided to wear the following,

An LBD that reaches mid thigh, a white and gold blazer, complimented by a gold necklace, anklet and earrings.

Mission complete, but I just wonder what Shane's thinking. It's killing me-

"Sarah, come on it's time to go, I'm gonna miss you so much honey" wow if it's that bad, then you might aswell stay. It's not that hard

"Yeah whatever mum it's not like you have a choice" sarcasm dripped out my mouth, so fast I wish I never said them. She frowned immediately, "you know if I had the choice I would-

"Yeah I know stay, it's alright mum don't stress I'll be fine." Enter silence. "I love you" I said with all the sincerity I could bring forward. Me and my mum have come far these past few months, we've been through a lot. Did I mention that I'm one of 7 siblings.

That's right. I have six sisters and one brother. Me and him are the youngest. But they live in other parts so the world.

So it's pretty much, just me and her all the time. Me and her don't have the typical mother daughter relationship, she's always travelling and therefor that puts this huge dent in our relationship.

The fact the she's decided to send me off some strangers house, clearly shows how much she prefers her work, than to stay at home with me. Don't get me wrong, I like. Correction I love that I'm about to stay with one of the most hottest boys known to man. This finally gives me some time to live my teenage hood, .


"I love you more honey" she said and that was it I walked her to the cab.

I wonder what Shane's thinking.

As I also carried my belongings out the house. I ran upstairs and took in all I could, of the bedroom that stood before me, it's walls were stripped of the posters,leaving them naked.

The closet empty and the window allowing they beautiful suns haze to enter at peace - For every peace of my childhood. Was non-existent.

Shane's POV

It only took five minutes for me to get back home. My mind was full of memories, that kiss, her hair, her cheekbones. When's the next time I'm going to see her I asked myself.

Even if I didn't see her again that would be okay because memories are enough.. Who the fuck am I kidding, I don't think I'll be able to let go of her at this rate!!

I careful unlocked the door, my mum hates the sound of the creak it makes. I know right, weird. but anyway I quickly trotted upstairs and laid on my bed for about an hour as continued day dreaming about this afternoon-

"Shane! Come down for a sec" my mum exclaimed with all her might. So much for dreaming. I went back down only to find the girl I encountered this afternoon stood at my doorway with her suitcase, smiling her gorgeous smile as she did small talk with my mum about- did I just hear her talk about the house rules?!

Please tell me this isn't some sick joke, is Sarah going stay with me for. ... 1 year! I immediately had a tennis match in my head about WHY the hell she decided to come here of all places, I bet she picked this place on purpose, little whore. I noticed her frown as she witnessed my facial expression. Yeah that's right, frown your face off.

I bet she was so excited to stay here, well no bitch it doesn't work like that.

I can't let her love me, I'm just a another being fuxked up problem.

"Shane snap out it, this is Sarah and she will be staying with us until the end of the year". She explained

"We'll Thank you captain obvious-

"Uh Excuse me that is no way to talk to your mum, Sarah I'm sorry-

Sarah looked like I had given her a hard slap across the face, she's hot when she is angry, I love it. But I can't, I can't let into to my life. That snog meant nothing and she best know that as well.

I love her too much to let her in, it hurts and I hope she doesn't hate me.

"It's alright, don't worry the feelings mutual and too be quite frank I don't care what you think about me staying here, hell, I'm still wondering why my mum picked the house that's most crowded with nothing but your EGO, don't go thinking that our kiss meant something, because I forgot about it as soon as I got home. Let's just stay away from each other, Idiot"

Well, that hope went down the drain. Ouch, anyway it's for the best. Damn she's so beautiful. Time to get down to business. Come Shane, make a comeback. You can do it.

Sarah's POV

I cannot believe he just said that. Urgh I was such and idiot for thinking that kiss meant something, he's just like every other guy.

They pick up your feelings, show you they meant something and as soon as things change, they turn drop them like a hit potato and pretend they knew nothing.

"Let's just stay away from each other, Idiot"

I regret kissing him, he's an amazing bastard that's what he is. I feel sorry for his mum, having to deal with such a horrible person. She's beautiful though, long black hair and caramel skin. What I'd do to look like her- I swear only god knows.

Getting back to this faggot, he's gone upstairs now. How am I going to survive one year, without killing him.

"Sarah, honey let me show you to your room." Her smile so warm

She walked me up and opened the door,... I have never seen something so beautiful the walls were baby blue, complimented by the cutest chandelier and a big ass wardrobe. The window was large, with beige curtains and a king sized bed. My lord, what I could do in my free time. On the left side of the room sat a computer and stacks of books, I assumed they were Shane's. Fucking bastard how I'm going to take pleasure in messing with his mind.

"Your enjoying the view aren't you?" If I was white I'd be as red as a tomato, I struggled for words and she just smiled, "call me Linda, and I'd really like it if you feel at home here, you mum is really kind from just the few weeks I've known her"

Weeks?!, my niggah didn't mention any 'weeks' I thought to myself

She went on for about five more minutes, I zoned out and only heard

"Well I'll leave you to unload your things, welcome to the family, oh and don't worry about Shane I have a feeling you too are going to get along" she smiled to herself

What the fuck does that mean?

I'm so pissed off, every time his name pops up into my head, my stomach churns and I feel like vomiting. that dickhead. Oh he's gonna get what's coming to him and my oh my how he's not gonna like it.

I flopped onto my bed, feeling like a queen as I explored every small detail, from the pattern to the texture, my lord I have to find what Linda does for a living. After, registering that in my brain

I immediately remember what she said...

"call me Linda, and I'd really like it if you feel at home here, you mum is really kind from just the few weeks I've known her"

What does that mean? I guess I'll just have to ask her tomorrow, right now I need slee-

"Sarah and Shane dinners ready!" Oh Fuck

I guess it's time to have more drama, his door banged... I wonder why.

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