aRt iS eVeRyThInG

47 5 0

_aRt iS eVeRyThInG_

aRt iS eVeRyThInG.

aRt iS pAiN.

aRt iS AnGeR.

aRt iS nOiSe.

aRt iS eMoTiOn.

yOuR aRt iS a PiEcE oF yOu.

iT's HoWeVeR yOu FeEl.

YoUr DeEpEsT tHoUgHtS

AnD dEsIrEs ExPrEsSeD iN

CoLoUr aNd PaInT aNd sHaDe.

aRt iS wHaTeVeR yOu MaKe Of iT.

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