3: Little thief

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This chapter's shoutout goes to HalleT2003! Thank you so much for the extra push to keep writing. This is my last week of school so I'm hoping to be able to write lots over the summer (: -comment for the chance to get a shoutout, and check my a/n for info on the contest- Enjoy!


Whenever we got home I skipped all the way into my house from the bus stop. I just felt so happy. Kota and Nathan were following close behind, chuckling and telling me to slow down. I laughed.

"I can't help it! We survived!"

Kota laughed behind me. "She has a good point."

Nathan grinned and shut the door behind himself. I smiled and set my bookbag next to theirs on the floor. Luckily we had no homework today. I sighed happily.

The first day of school had gone pretty well. Nothing I wasn't used to. People still stared, glared, judged, etc. There were no fights and the hallways were actually less crowded now.

It wasn't surprising, actually. Owen had informed me that many kids had either moved schools or dropped out. Both options made sense. Some parents sent their students to hopefully better schools and other kids just quit school altogether.

I am really excited for this last semester. I'm so ready to be done with this school. I mean, must days aren't half bad but still. Owen also agreed to teach me violin and help me practice my piano skills. I love music.

"Peanuuuut?" Nathan whines.

"Yesssss?" I answer.

"Let's do something."

I shrugged my shoulders and looked around for Kota. He was in the kitchen fixing a snack for us. I smiled. He had gotten out crackers, cut up some cucumber, and small bite size blocks of Colby jack cheese. I glanced over at him.

"Watcha doing?"

He looked up at me and pushed the glasses up higher on his nose. "I'm making food, what about you?"

"Watching you."

Nathan chuckled. "Now peanut, there's no need to be creepy."

I giggled and hit his arm. "You know I didn't mean it to sound like that!"

"Yeah yeah I know, you're just fun to mess around with."

I poured, crossing my arms and sticking my bottom lip out. Kota glanced up at me again and booped my nose. I giggled and he finished fixing the snacks. I jumped up and down, grabbing some waters from the fridge and handing them to the two boys.

Nathan licked his lips and picked up a cracker. I eyed him carefully and then stole it as it was almost in his mouth. I laughed and ran off.

"You come back here right now! You little thief!"

He playfully chased me around the house and i ran until I couldn't hear his feet chasing me anymore. Eventually I ran back into the kitchen where Kota was supposed to have been. I tilted my head. It was perfectly silent.

Somebody's arms wrapped me up. A hand came to rest almost carelessly on my mouth; not suffocating, just there. Kota's spice scent filled my nose and I sighed. His breath tickled the hair on my neck.

"I caught you."

I could almost hear the laugh waiting on the tip of his tongue. He hugged me tighter before letting go and I smiled, holding my breath. Some moments were just so delicate.

He let go eventually and Nathan walked back into the kitchen out of breath. I grinned. We ate our snack without anymore tricks. Mostly because Nathan was keeping an eye on me and Kota was holding my hand under the table.

There were butterflies in my tummy but I wasn't quite sure why. I ignored them and just chatted with the boys about everything. We talked about the books we would have to read this semester, the excitement that school would soon be over. I honestly couldn't wait, even though today was only the beginning of the end.

It wasn't too long before Andrew came home. He greeted the boys happily and sat down with us.

"Hey Andrew," I smile. "How was your day?"

"Same as usual," he laughed. "Good afternoon, boys."

"Good afternoon."

Andrew smiled at me. Kota squeezed my hand and let go, standing up from the table. I felt the loss but covered up whatever discontent may have been on my face.

"Do you have to leave now?" I asked.

"Yeah, gotta go home and eat. It's almost five thirty already." He made a sympathetic face and mouthed an apology.

"It's okay. Tell your girls I said hi."

He nods, waves to Nathan, and heads out. Usually one of the boys stays over here, since the boys and I are still a bit wary of Andrew. Some more than others, but all of them are. I figured Nathan was staying over tonight.

I got up and offered to cook dinner. Nathan helped me and Andrew got situated. I found some beef meat in the fridge and a pan, starting to cook the meat for nachos/tacos. Nathan started on making the cheese. He tickled side as he passed.

"You're a cutie peanut."

I blushed. "Thanks.."

In some slight way of retaliation, I bumped his hip as I got out the ingredients for the salad. He froze for a moment but grinned and continued to make the cheese.

As soon as the meat was done, we set the table for us three and sat down for dinner. I talked to Andrew about school, how much I didn't like it and what the kids at school were like. He talked some about his job but not much. He takes to Nathan too, and it made me happy to see them getting along.

I know that Nathan is pretty protective of me. Well, all the boys are but some are more forgiving of Andrew than others. I've at least convinced the boys to keep their cool about Andrew and give him the benefit of the doubt. North really just wanted to beat him up, but he's holding back.

"Well, this was good. I'll clean up, you two run along now," Andrew says, humming.

I raised my eyebrows and shrugged, pulling Nate upstairs to my room. I checked in with Mr. B like I have to as part of the arrangement that I'm living here. Every night at the end of the day and sometimes in the morning too I have to check in with him. Whichever boy is staying here has to check in with him in the morning.

I yawned. "I'm sleepy," I said.

"Then go to sleep, peanut," Nathan said quietly.

"Come lay next to me?"

It was quiet for a few moments and I thought that he wasn't going to, but then he stood up. He turned off the lights and turned on the lamp instead. Then he came and lied down next to me. I cuddled into his side and smiled.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome Sang. Now go to sleep."

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