10: Overdramatic

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I hope you are all staying safe and well. Thank you for your support and patience, always. Enjoy :)


Later that night, back at home, Luke was keeping me company. It was his and Silas' shift to stay the night, and Luke helped me make chicken fettuccine alfredo for dinner.

Most nights I ate well with the boys, and it took a bit of getting used to. Every once in awhile I could convince them to just make chicken nuggets, or to have something simple or processed. But I didn't mind eating well, and cooking was fun, especially with Luke. I used to cook a lot with my dad when I was little.

We set the table and sat down, eating in peace for awhile. Silas gave us many compliments, which was sweet of him. He isn't much of a chef, but he appreciates good food.

"Aggele, pass me the salt please?"

I smiled and nodded, and as I picked it up my phone rang. I handed it to him and looked at the caller ID. It was Mr. B.

I slid to answer the call. "Hello?"

"Hello, do you have a few minutes to talk?"

I looked at my nearly empty plate, then up at the boys. "Uh, yeah."

"I can fill you in later tonight if necessary. I just thought you may want to have this information sooner rather than later."

I cupped my hand over the phone and tilted it slightly away from my mouth. "Do you guys mind if I take this? It's Mr. B."

They both shook their heads so I told them I was gonna step outside to take the call.

"Be careful, cupcake."

I nodded and made my way to the back patio, not shutting the patio door all the way just in case something happened and they would need to be able to hear me.

"Okay, I'm here," I said, speaking into the phone again.

"Alright. I contacted Andrew and was able to speak with him about the situation."

"What did he say?"

"He said that he's concerned about the situation but that he won't be able to be home for awhile, at least another month."

"...A month?"

"That's what he told me. He also is not sure that the way we are handling it is the best way to do so."

"What do you mean?"

"He thought it was a bit unnecessary and made it very clear to me he did not see a present danger that would justify us making the decision to keep two of us with you, and at least one all the time."


I was unsure of what to say. I tucked my hair behind my ear. The sky was gradually getting darker as the gray clouds collected overhead.

"I can imagine that was not the news you were expecting to hear."

I stared blankly at the wall of trees lining my backyard. I didn't know what to expect, but certainly that wasn't it.


"Yeah, I'm here."

"How do you feel about our system? I would like to hear your input, if you have any."

"...I feel safe when I'm with you."

Mr. B didn't say anything for awhile. I watched the grass ripple from the wind that had begun to blow more strongly. It was about to storm, and the air was cool. Goosebumps ran up my arms.

"Is there anything else you would like to add?" He asked.

"Not right now."

"I understand. Please feel free to text me anytime or any of the other boys, the line of communication is always open."

"I know."

"And Sang?"

The further I kept thinking the more I kept feeling, but I tried to maintain my composure for the duration of the call.

"Uh, yes, what it is?" I asked, trying to keep my voice level.

"Thank you for your cooperation and bravery as we figure out what is best for you. I know that what you are going through is scary and that what we are asking of you is incredibly difficult. Please know that we are all here for you, myself included."

I started to choke up, the tears running down my cheeks and mixing with the drizzle that was now starting to fall.

"Thank you," I said, my voice shaky.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just tired," I lied.

"Alright.. well I know that I have given you a lot to think about and we can discuss it later. Please get some sleep. Goodnight Sang," he said, and I could hear the frown in his tone. I was grateful that he didn't push the issue.

"Goodnight," I said, and hung up.

As soon as I tucked my phone in my pocket I broke down. His words kept running circles in my mind. Andrew didn't see a present danger. He would be gone for another month. It stung, the thought that he wasn't concerned about my safety the way that my boys were. Or maybe he was right, and I was just overdramatic, that I made this a bigger deal than it needed to be. What if I had made up this threat entirely? What if I had put my boys through all this for.. for nothing?

My chest ached as I cried, the rain starting to come down heavier now. Luke opened the door slightly and stuck his head out.

"Sang? You know it's raining right?" He joked, but when I didn't move, he stepped out and stood in front of me, touching my shoulder gently. "Hey, you okay?"

I couldn't answer, I didn't know what to say. I just looked at him as best I could through the rain, and as soon as he realized I was crying he wrapped me into a hug.

"Okay," he said soothingly. "Okay, I've got you. I'm here."

I hung onto him tightly, wanting to say a million things, but unable to say anything. He hugged me for a few minutes until the rain started to downpour, and then he pulled away and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Why don't we go inside and dry off and then we can go from there. I don't want you to get sick, okay?"

I nodded and he walked me inside to the kitchen. He hugged me while we stood there and Silas ran to get us some towels. I was still crying as Silas wrapped one around my shoulders, gently rubbing my back.

"What's wrong Aggele? Is there something we can do for you?"

I sniffed and wiped a tear off my cheek. "Can we not talk about it? Let's just watch a movie or something. Please."

"Sure we can. Just dry off a little more first, okay?" Luke said and I nodded.

I got changed into some warm pajamas and then we all sat down on the couch. Luke and I shared a blanket, and he put his arm around me so that I was leaning my head on his shoulder. I tried to focus on the movie, but Luke was rubbing my arm gently, and before too long I fell asleep and Silas carried me to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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