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I have just transferred into Phoenix Drop High. i got really nervous when i entered the gates. I havent gone to school because i am homeless and i ran away.

The reason why i ran away? My parents. My parents were just some stuck up jerks who only cared about my sister and money. My sister also was mean. She thought she was the most popular of her class. All she cares about is makeup, being pretty, and being popular. My father beat me with his belt everyday, saying,"hurry the fuck up" or "stop acting like your sister" or "you'll never be like one of us" or "i should have pulled out" etc. I just wished everyday i could die. Or a miracle happened and my family was nice. One day, i just decided, instead of going to school, im going to run away. I packed a backpack full of clothes, food, water, and things i needed for my trip. I even stole some of my mom's money from her purse when she wasnt looking.
I told my parents i would be leaving to school early today since i have a project due. They said okay. So, i ran. I think a few of my classmates saw me on the streets running away but they just ignored me. I ran for about 3 days just when i ran out of food and water.
I slept in an abandoned garage. I cried myself to sleep everyday for about a week. I bought food from the dollar store close by though.
I was taking a stroll through a park when i saw a highschool. It was big and from the outside it was really beautiful. I decided to enroll there. To my surprise, they accepted me. Even without parents. They said i can come to school tomorrow.


Yo guys it means so much for you to be reading this book. o///o Dont worry. It will get really dramatic later on in this book. So beware.

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