You ran away from home. You have no home so you live on the streets. You transferred into Phoenix Drop High for highschool. You meet a boy named Ein. He decides to take you in.
Credit to Aphmau for most of the characters in this book.
"Honey!! Oh my sweet baby!!" My mom pulled me into a tight hug but i pulled away. "Mom no no no no. What are you doing here?!" I dropped the bags i had in my hands. "We came searching for you! And you are coming back home this instant." "No mom. I am not coming back home with you." "Maybe you should go back to your original parents, y/n." Other mom said. "NO. I AM NOT GOING BACK. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN AND SUFFERING I WENT THROUGH BECAUSE OF THEM?!" I yelled at everyone. I started crying and ran up the stairs and to my room. I locked the door and jumped onto my bed in tears. "I cant go back... i cant..." I repeated to myself. I grabbed the chocolate bar Ein gave me from the bedside table and took a piece and ate it. Whenever i felt sad or angry i just ate a piece of chocolate. "Y/N.. please open the door." I heard Ein say. "Go away.." I screamed in my pillow. "Y/N.. please. Open the door. Its just me." "Are you sure?" I said. "Im positive." I put the chocolate bar back where it was, wiped the tears off my eyes, and walked to the door and opened it. I saw only Ein. I was relieved. I let Ein in. And locked the door so nobody else could get in. I sat on my bed and Ein sat beside me. "You're probably here to tell me i should go too? Arent you?" "No." "Then why did you come in here?" "First, to give you your bags. Second, i wanted to give you a present." "What? A goodbye forever present?" "Uh.. no. Its a you have to stay here forever present. Here." He handed me an adorable wolf plush.
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"Ein..." I pulled him into a hug. He then pushed me down onto the bed, holding my hands harshly. And kissed my lips. He pulled away. "I love you, Y/N. I am not letting them take you." Then someone knocked on the door. We both got up. "Y/N...!" My actual mom yelled from behind the door. "Open the door this instant!" I thought for a second then got up and opened the door. My actual mom, stood in front of me. "Y/N... please think about it. Please, come back with us." "No, Mom. I am not leaving. I have better family here than with you. So I AM NOT GOING WITH YOU. So please, leave." "Alright. Ill leave. But know this, we are coming back." Then my sister walked in the door. "Y/N, just so you know, its been great at home without you. Dont come back." "Not planning to." Then she left as well. "Ein, thank you for always having my back." I said. "Can you stop saying thank you if i give you a kiss." "Sure. Why not." He scooted towards me and kissed me very gently. "You're a very good kisser, Ein." "I know, ive watched dozens of videos to get the perfect kiss."