You ran away from home. You have no home so you live on the streets. You transferred into Phoenix Drop High for highschool. You meet a boy named Ein. He decides to take you in.
Credit to Aphmau for most of the characters in this book.
"Y/N..." A voice said. "No... i dont want to wake up. Ein's t-shirt is too comfty...." "Hmm.. i see. You dont want to come shopping." "Shopping?!" I immediately woke up. Ein laughed. "Come on. Ill ask mom if she can hand you some extra clothes for the day."
"Clothes? Of course she can have some clothes." "Thank you so much, mom." "No problem, dear." Mom handed me a dress."I believe that will be enough for today. Now. Have fun, kids!"
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(Dress ^^^)
We left mom's room. "Be right back, im gonna put on the clothes." "Sure. Ill be right by your door." I went in the room and put on the dress. Then my unfashionable flip flops. I looked in the mirror one last time. And went out of my room. "So... what do you think?" I said while twirling my hair. "You are stunning, Y/N." "Thank you, Ein. So umm.. lets go?"
"Yeah. Lets go." We went out of the house and to the mall. We went to all the stores. Including Victoria's Secret, Pink, Hot Topic, Aeropostale, Urban Outfitters, and Forever 21. When we finished. We went to the food court. We had a lot of bags in hand. We ate some Mc Donalds. I ordered number 2 which was two cheeseburgers. While Ein ordered a number 1, a Big Mac. When we finished, we walked out of the mall. There was some benches outside the mall plus there was a fountain in front. We sat on the benches. "Thank you for today, Ein." "Its no problem. Anything for you. May I?" He pointed at my lips and i nodded. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close. He leaned in close to me and kissed me softly. He pulled away slowly. "Did you like that?" Ein asked. I nodded. "Come on. Lets go home." As we walked home, i thought about how soft Ein's lips were and how passionately he kissed me. When we got to the house, there was very familiar car. We went inside our house and towards the living room. There i saw it. My family.
Take a shot everytime this story has the words he or we.
This is also probably the shortest mall trip ever. XD