new kid

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    "-De'Marcus?" She said
   I was relieved that it wasn't Shayaa but who tha fuk is freaking De'Marcus.
    "Neva heard of him" I replied
     "Well that new boy Savage's brother is De'Marcus and he is a big time hoe I heard. But that ain't none of my business."
      She always say that but be the first to start gossiping. I thanked them and thought about visiting my friend, Shawn, who live literally across the street
     I walked over to Shawn's house and just walked in cause this idiot always leaves his doors open when we live in the middle of the ghetto. But people know not to play with him. Unless they trynna get killed by my dad cause Shawn works for him.
       "Shawnagale!!!!" I shouted walking into the house
      "Yo Aalika why you always shouting bruh?" He asked coming down the stairs shirtless.
     "Well I don't know maybe cause I can nigga" I said hugging him
     We pulled apart and went he went and sat on the couch and I sat on his lap. When people see us they think we're a couple but we really ain't he's just my best friend.
      We sat down and talked for awhile and watched spongebob so night until we fell sleep at his house.
       21 pov
    I started to text Aalika and she didn't respond so I texted her bro and told him to tell her text back but he said he can't find her and he's panicking.
     I grabbed my money and my gun in case something happened and ran to my car and drove over. We tracked her phone and it brought us to this mansion like house on main street before a nail salon.
     We pulled up and went to knock the door but it was open so we walked in. We walked around and when we reached the living room I saw them cuddling. It's like she low key led me on without verbally telling me but I still knew.
     "Yo what the fuck is going on hea!" August shouted waking them up
     "Yo why y'all in my house?"he said pulling out a gun
    I pulled mine out too and aimed at him
    "August what the hell are you doing!" Aalika yelled at me
     "You just left and nobody knew where the fuck you were so we tracked yo ass here." August shouted
     She whispered something to Shawn and he put his gun down and got up. He stared us down for awhile then went up the stairs .
      "So who that uo boyfriend?" I asked while she began to pick her stuff up off the ground. While august make himself comfortable on the couch.
     "Nah he's somewhat my best friend."
      Just as she said that nigga came back down with no shirt on and shit like he trynna show a nigga up.
    Aalika POV
   Shawn walked down shirtless and I could see savage didn't like it august just looked at him like he a million bucks. I'm beginning to think he prolly gay or bi but I ain't gonna even think bout that.
     He gave me my sweater that I asked him to get and some of his cologne that ima steal the next time I come here

Hmmm iont know who should be shawn

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