Chapter 20: And Not Coming Back

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It was almost dark by the time that Elliot took to the sky to follow the trunk. He was tired and his muscles in his wings were fatiguing, but he knew that he couldn't give up. It wasn't in his nature and he wasn't about to stop now, especially with Pete missing.

He continued to fly through the air with his eyes narrowed. He began to pant halfway through and knew that he needed to take a little break.

His eyes locked onto something wooden with something black sticking up from it. He glided over to it and sunk his claws into it as he propped himself up. He nearly fell off as he skidded with his wings still desperately flapping, but he hurried to right himself up. He shook his head proudly as he looked around with his chest puffing out in pride.

Suddenly, a puff of smoke emitted and made him sputter in cough. He shook his head with his eyes watering as he nearly fell off the black stump once more. He growled as he saw the trunk had started to move once more.

He sighed as he lowered into a crouch and leaped off of the black stump. He took to the air once more with his eyes narrowed against the wind. He continued to follow the trunk before he made his way into a human town. He would have never dreamed of coming this close before, but this was all for Pete and he couldn't leave him.

He stopped at another wooden structure and shook his head to clear it. He looked down at everyone around him with his lolling out slightly to taste the air. He couldn't detect anything that wouldn't usually been there and there was too many human scents to find Pete's scent to stick out.

"I'll find him," Elliot tried to reason with himself as he took a small break. "He had to have been here. It's fate that I'm here."

He arched his neck as he looked into a room. He saw a young girl, who waved at him. He drew backwards and growled before he took to the air with his claws curling into his paws.

He saw the trunk once more and leaped from the wooden structure and took to the air with his wings spread. He dove down slightly as he tried to make the wind work for him and not him working for the wind. It was getting too taxing to fight the wind. He usually flew quite often, but not like this.

He continued to follow the trunk as it made its way through a dirt path. It turned sharply and Elliot was unable to turn that sharply. He ended up flying or falling through the air as he crashed into a field.

He grunted in pain as he fell head over paws on the ground. He looked up and saw a strange creature staring at him. The animal was eating some grass and didn't seem to be a threat. Elliot let out a deep bellow to let it know that he was in charge, but the creature didn't even more.

Elliot rose to his full height and shook out his body before he bounded forward before more things could go wrong. He crept forward and toward a place that looked to be a human house. It was wooden as well and looked alright. It wasn't Elliot's taste, but humans were weird.

He then felt something wet against his flank. He growled softly as he looked down to see that something was spraying water at him. Elliot couldn't help but growl as he thrust his paw at it. It continued to spray water at him and Elliot was starting not to like it.

He launched his paws over it and felt it crush under his paws. He couldn't help but grin as he knew that it would no longer spray him with the water.


Elliot lifted his ears as he heard Pete say his name. He smiled as he crept forward slowly and toward something that looked to be air, but it was firm and he could see through it. He licked his lips as he continued forward and looked into it.

He smiled as he saw Pete. He was sitting with a group of humans and he didn't look like he was being held against his will. He hung his head as he realized that Pete might not want to be with him anymore.

Elliot let out a soft whimper as he turned and took to the air. He flew back to the forest and lowered down at the entrance of his den. He continued to whimper in grief as he thought about being all alone again. That was the worst possible thing that he could think of, being a lone.

He crept into the den and kept Pete's book at the entrance. He didn't want to look at it right now. He lowered down and didn't even bother to light a fire. He reluctantly closed his eyes and drifted off into a restless sleep, knowing that Pete was gone and probably not coming back.

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