Chapter 2: Learning How To Fly

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"Can't catch me," called Jayla as she lowered down as she lowered into a crouch and spun around to face her two siblings.

Bracklow darted after her while Melborne followed a little slower. He was more cautious as he gazed around as he saw his parents following him. He seemed to be a little more confident as he skirted forward.

"We're coming," called Signga before she turned to her mate. "As if there was any doubt."

Falcor chuckled. "You know how he is. He just wants to make sure that there's nothing wrong with that," he flashed back as he looked around before he gave a firm nod. "This place seems good enough. Alright! Gather around!"

The three dragons turned and made their way over to their father. They curled around his paws as he arched his long neck and looked at them. "Alright, we're going to work on flying today."

"Flying," echoed Jayla in excitement as she reared on her hind legs and flicked out her paws. "Really?!"

"Yes, really," answered Signga. "But, you have to pay very close attention to your father."

The three looked at him intently while Falcor lifted his wings and fluffed out his fathers slightly. "Flying is difficult, but it's rewarding. It just takes a while for you to get a hold on it. You'll be able to figure it out, I'm sure."

"I can't wait to fly faster than anything," cheered Bracklow as he thrust a paw against the ground. "Right, dad?"

Falcor rolled his eyes. "Let's take it one step at a time. I don't need anyone falling down from the sky because they decided to race an airplane."

"What's an airplane," asked Melborne as he tilted his head.

"It's a huge metal bird like thing that transports these things called humans. They're hairless and walk on their hind legs. Anyway, no one will be racing them. It will be a miracle if you all get off the ground," murmured Falcor.

Signga nodded. "What your father means is that it might take a little while to get the knack of. Just watch closely and don't practice on your own."

"Now, you're going to spread your wings as far as they can go and then you're going to flap," explained Falcor. "Once you're good with that we'll try something a little harder."

Jayla was the first to try. She thrust out her wings as she began to flap madly. She didn't get much off the ground, but it was better than nothing. She hovered a bit before she fell down harshly and her head fell against the grass. She shook her head as she rose to her paws once more.

"That was a good effort," offered Signga before she looked to the other ones. "Who else wants to try? Hmm? Bracklow? Melborne?"

"I will," offered Bracklow as he leaped forward. He reared on his hind legs as he bleated his wings against the air in an effort to force himself into the air. However, he wasn't able to get very far. He was just able to hover slightly off the ground before he plopped back down and landed on his haunches. He shook his head and smiled timidly.

Falcor dipped his head. "Not bad." He looked over to Melborne. "Now you try."

Melborne looked like that was the last thing that he wanted to do. But, he lowered his head into his shoulders and arched his back as he took to the air, flapping his wings. He managed to fly a little bit off the ground as he hovered a little longer off the ground than his other two siblings. He fell down and landed on his underbelly, growling as he shook his head slightly.

Falcor's eyes glowed. "Well done! Now, we're going to take it to another level. I learned this one from the birds," he explained as he leaped into the air and landed harshly on a slightly fallen tree. He looked down at the offspring before he spread his wings and glided down. He landed gingerly on the ground and faced them. "Do exactly like I did and glide down. It's called branching. It's how some birds learn to fly."

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