Chapter 3

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I woke up on the couch with Rian cuddled next to me under her favorite quilt blanket that Liam's mom made for her. My mom hadn't even called or texted since I left the states, not that I figured she would.

I slowly shimmied my way out from under her and got up to fix breakfast.

I scrambled some eggs and popped some biscuits into the oven, then got started on some bacon. Rian walked in with her blanket dragging on the floor and messy hair.

"Good morning Ri. What kind of jelly do you want?" I asked.

"Strawberry." She said sleepily.

I got out the strawberry jelly and some butter and made her a plate of eggs and bacon and a biscuit.

I set it in front of her. The sleepy look in her eyes was almost gone and she happily ate her food.

I ate an apple and drank some water.

After breakfast, I sat Rian in front of the telly to watch some cartoons, while went on the computer. My twitter was slowly having less and less hate which I was happy about, but that didn't stop the tabloids. Those still spread like wild fire.

Today's story: "Ally, girlfriend and mother of Liam Payne's child, was seen leaving their child in the care of her friend, who's name remains unknown, whilst she goes and performs at a local pub. Does Liam know about her frolicking about, leaving their child in the care of this unknown woman?"

They make it sound so much worse than it is. Sarah is my friend. Not an "unknown woman." Liam's met her before. Okay, so maybe I haven't told him about my gigs. It's not like he calls enough for me to even do that. But i'm guessing he knows now..



I walked into the store, not really sure what exactly I was even there for. I bought Ri a happy meal and she was eating some fries, while I pushed her along in the basket. Suddenly I came across the hair dye section. Maybe I needed a change. Not major, just something to mix things up a bit. I picked up a red first, but I didn't think red really suit me. Next I picked up black, but I didn't like that either. I settled on a golden/wheat blonde colour.

I purchased it and then returned home to bleach my hair.

Chasing Pavements - Sequel to Fix YouWhere stories live. Discover now