Part Three: Academy

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Disclaimer: I have no claim to the copyrights of Naruto. Heard that? Good. So you better not sue me.

Author's notes at the bottom.




Flies and ants devoured the refuse of the market stalls on the street, dogs foraged through the piles and snarled at each other and the twins stuck close to their mother's side as she went from vendor to vendor, examining wares and haggling subtly with the sellers. Sasuke and Mika watched with intense curiosity, fingering the small change in their pockets and wishing the prices were lower so they could at least haggle for something. Mika turned to follow her mother as she headed toward another stall but bumped into someone, making them drop several small packages at her feet.

"I'm sorry," she apologized, bending down to pick up the parcels.

"It's okay, just watch where you're going from now on." Mika put the parcels back in their basket and looked up at Asuma Sarutobi.

"I will. Goodbye!" She stepped away and looked around for Mikoto. She spun around twice but didn't see her anywhere. Up the street, Asuma looked back and spotted her looking around in consternation. He turned to walk back to her as she closed her eyes and turned slowly in a circle, brow furrowed in concentration.

"Are you lost?" he asked. She didn't answer for a moment, just turned slowly again as if orienting herself.

"No, I'm not lost," she opened her eyes and looked up at him, bowed slightly and trotted off. "Goodbye!" she called over her shoulder.

Asuma stared after her and then shrugged. "Lots of odd ones out there. Makes sense one of his siblings would be weird."


Sasuke raced around the room in excitement, jumping on every piece of furniture and flipping off them in a wild display of acrobatics.

"Come on Mika, loosen up for once! Tomorrow we start the Ninja Academy, aren't you the least bit excited?" He somersaulted into a heap at her feet and grinned up at her. She stared back at him mildly, unimpressed.

"Hm... Nope."

He pouted. "Jeez, why 're you so... so... unenthusiastic all the time?! You're like an old lady."

Slowly, Mika blinked at him. "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for school tomorrow?"

Now he shifted uncomfortably. "Well... What about you? How come you're not ready yet?!"

"Packed, shined and laid out. Now come on, let's get you ready." She turned and went out.

"Aww," whined Sasuke, trailing after her. "You act like Kaa-san and Aniki way too much."

Mika laughed. "Well, when you don't want to do what you're supposed to then of course I'm going to act like them. Besides, you're important to me, so I can't help wanting the best for you." Even if I can't always do what's best for you, or anyone else. "I love you."


"Yes, Sasuke?"

"Why 're you acting so weird?"

She laughed sharply. "I'm just a little worried about Itachi, that's all. He's isn't back from his mission yet."

"Aniki will be fine. He's really strong, everyone knows it." Sasuke's expression fell and he crawled onto his bed. "Someday I'll be as strong as he is. Even stronger," he looked determinedly at Mika. "Don't worry Mika, Aniki'll be fine."

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