Katniss Everdeen (THG)

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So time to start my first task of the quest. I have to recruit Katniss Everdeen. That girl has a bad temper so I'll have to be careful. The dude with the eye patch (Nick Fury) is with me, and saying some stuff that I don't really care about, all I know is that I have to do my best not to die.

They're making me wear a funny costume. Supposedly Katniss is staying in District 12 at the moment with her husband, the bread boy. So I'm dressed as a civilian of district 12. I'm wearing ragged clothes with some boots that are SO last season!

Anyway, patch eye wants me to do my magic and open a portal to Panem. I concentrate,close my eyes, picture District 12 inside mt head, put one hand up and say 'PANEM'. When I open my eyes, there's a circle of light in front of me, and I know that the moment I cross it, I'll be somewhere else, because I've done this before. 

I step through the shiny thing and suddenly I'm standing in a graveyard, where the bodies of the fallen of District 12 rest. I've been here before, so I know I have to turn around, run indetected through the streets and then turn left, where a big arc will say "Victors Village" altho there aren't any victors anymore, no since the games were cancelled.

The people of S.H.I.E.L.D gave me some cool stuff for me to use if I need to defend myslef. A lipstick that makes you see and think whatever I want you to, like River Song's (from Doctor Who). A gun of course, another gun with silver bullets in case I need to kill something that can't be killed by normal bullets, even though that's not very likely. I don't like having to hide the guns, they make my legs and butt look huge. Then I have a weird thing like the thung the doctors use to listen to your hear beats, to hear through walls and doors, etc. My favorite items are my James Bond multi use shoes, but mine are 10 inch high heels that turn into an interdimentional phone, a bomb and they can put a bullet proof force field around my body, which is awesome because bullet proof vests don't suit me.

Number 1, 2, 3! There it is. Katniss's house! District 12, Victors Village, house number 3. I knock the door. I wait, but no one answers. I knock again, and this time a man, about 20 years old, with blond, curly hair opens  the door.

"How can I help you?" He says.

"Oh you must be Peeta! I'm looking for Katniss Everdeen." He studies me. I can tell he doesn't trust me, probably because the sides of my head are shaved and rhe rest is died blond.... 

"Who are you?" He asks after a moment of silence.

"Can't tell, sorry, but I really need to see your wife." He doesn't seem to trust me, but I can tell he knows that Katniss can protect herself better than anyone. So he lets me in and and makes me wait on their living room. I wait and wait and wait (did I mention that I'm not really patient either?) for what feels like forever, and finally, when I'm about to fall asleep, Mrs Everdeen appears at the door.

I stand up and hold my hand up for her to take, Fury told me it's a polite way to say hi. But she doesn't take it. I note down in my mind thatshe has a worse temper than what I remember.

"Who are you and what do you want?" She asks without a moment of hesitation.

"My name is Miley Cyrus, I'm an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D and Nick Fury, the patch eye guy, sent me to recruit you for a group of heroes meant to save the world from our greatest enemy, but I don't know who that is. He said The Avengers weren't available for the job." She stares at me for a moment, "probably trying to decide if she should trust me or not. She seems to decide to trust me, because she sits down and says.

"Fury sent you? What does he want with me now? And what do you mean The Avengers aren't available? They're super heroes! It's they job to always be available when the world needs them."

"Dunno, all I know is that they need you for this mission, because won't affect only our dimension, but all of them, including this one, and you loved ones could be in a greater danger than you could imagine." I check my clock. Almost noon. Lunch time. "Hey look, I have to go now, but if you decide anything let me know." I hand her one of my cards with my contact information, stand up willing to open a portal and leave, but Katniss stand up too and holds my wrist.

"How many of us do you need?" She asks. "Am I that necessary? I've killed enough people for a lifetime, I don't know if I can do it."

"We need one for each Avenger, which means 6. Katniss, we  need you, the world needs you. Look, if we had another option, we would use it, we would call someone else, but we don't. You and the other five chosen are our only hope. Without you, we are all lost. Don't do it for us, do it for your family, your loved ones." Se looks confused, so I hurry up. "Look, I have to go, lunch time. If you decide to do the right thing, give me a call and I'll pick you up." She lets go off my wrist. I take a step forward, open the portal, and leave. 

Fury is waiting for me on the other side.  

"How did it go?" He asks.

"I think we've got her, but before you interrogate me, I"m starving." So I leave him with all his questions.

In the end, I'm sort of lucky she didn't remember the shoe incident

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