Minerva McGonagall (HP)

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I'm currently at Hogwarts, dressed like a Gryffindor student. One would guess I'd have to get Harry Potter, or Ron or Hermione. But no, Fury wants McGonagall, because (quoting him) 'We need wisdom and knowledge as well as strength and power in this battle.' 

How the hell am I going to get an old ladie, who doesn't even know what S.H.I.E.L.D is?

Jace insisted to come along. Oh and Fury's face when he saw me appear with Jace was priceless c:

He doesn't really have a Gryffindor look, he's to big and scary, so we dressed him up as a Slytherin! The colour brings up his eyes and cheekbones.

Jace comes near me and asks "Why couldn't you call Batman orr Superman?"

"You're kidding right? They're DC, I'm from the Marvel universe, they're the competition."

"Alright, geeks rivalry, then." 

"Shut up, you're the one that reads books." He pokes me as an answer. "Let's go find grandma, shall we?"

 After wandering around the castle for what felt like hours (man that castle was a 3D labyrinth) we finally find her office. We know she knows we're not Hogwarts students, so it's very likely that she won't cooperate, giving that we broke into the castle.

"How do we get in?" I whisper.

Jace just says "Like this" and knocks the door. A woman's voice answers immediately  "Come in" so we open the door and find her sitting on a black wooden desk, very 1800's ish. 

She looks up her glasses and says. "Yes? What do you need?" Obviously she knows we're not Hogwarts students, but she doesn't say anything about that. "Please take a seat, and if you could have the decency of telling me how and why you broke into the castle, I'd be very thankful, and the use of magic wouldn't be needed." We are both puzzled by such polite threat. I'm frozen, and when Jace notices, he sits down as she said, so I find my legs and do the same. I want to be the one who does the talking, it's my quest, Jace's just a guest, but he's proven himself to be better with words  when he flattered Fury in every possible way, just to come here today.

"My name is Jace Lightwood," Jace starts "and we come from a different universe. My friend here works for an espionage agency, and they've been threatened by something so bad, so dangerous that the information of its origin hasn't been provided to us, just for our safety. We are here to ask you do join a group of qualified people, meant to destroy this enemy, and save not only our universe, but all of them, for they are all in danger." Woah, I didn't know Jace could be so polite and serious. Just woah.

Then comes the give me a call if you decide anything and blah blah blah. But it doesn't happen quiet as expected. McGonagall questions us about how we broke into the castle undetected,  and when we refuse to answer, she sends us to the dungeons to spend the night. Also, she makes some elves CUT OUR HAIR. Why does everyone find my hair weird?! And what's wrong with Jace's golden curls? The point is, she makes them cut both our hairs. Can't wait to get out of this dungeon...


It's been 10 days! 10 DAYS and Fury hasn't set anyone to save us. I'm furious. When we get back, he'll be in dam big trouble. And I know what you think. "Why doesn't she just do a poral and get the hell out of there?" The answer is, because this lizzards are freaking nuts and they put a spell on me that doesn't let me use my powers. Yupi!

They feed us every day, they watch us day and night, and they keep us in different cells. It's not like we're going to kill them or anything. We just need the old lady to help us save the world(s).

Fortunately they're letting us go tomorrow, but if we ever come back again they'll kill us or something blah blah blah.

One more night in this drty Little dungeon and then I get to take a shower!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2014 ⏰

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