Basements are for Kittens

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Madison trailed behind Thomas, the staircase down thin and narrow as they entered the basement, or as Thomas likes to call it, the washroom. The light source flitting in from the door above dimmed out as they entered a wide open space, a sudden and newer light suddenly clicking on just as a mew sounded.

"Speak of the devil" Thomas muttered, smiling softly as he motioned James to follow him. The kitten was snuggled in, surrounded by plenty of plush blankets and a pillow near the room's corner, "told ya, no dead kittens in this house"

He kneeled down, plucking the kitten from its nest in one swipe, clutching the gray bundle to his chest as James crept closer. The kitten was the common gray, but not the usual tabby. However, something was off. Purple dyed the kittens scruff, it's fur slightly colored and its paws tinted. That's all that could be seen though.

"What's going on with its fur?" James asked, reaching out a finger to run a gentle finger upon its forehead.

"I don't know" Thomas handed the kitten over to James, the bundle shuffling a bit at the movement as the blanket fell, revealing more of the gray and purple mix, "when I asked Hamilton, the idiot just said he found the thing like that"

"Don't call her a thing," James thought a moment, "I'm naming her Isabelle"

"Okay, well, Isabelle got dumped in ink and then the street, to finally, me" Thomas finished, just accepting it, "I've bathed her once since I got her, she hates baths that's for sure"

"Poor thing" James cooed, turning back up the stairs as Thomas rushed after, "James where are you taking that fluffy disaster?"

"Upstairs? You don't expect me to sit on the floor right?" James replied, making his way up the stairs, a sigh echoing past, "fine, you better clean up the fur though" he grumbled, flicking off the lights as they exited the basement.

James flopped onto Thomas's leather couch, the feeling slightly uncomfortable but easy to adjust to as Thomas threw some blankets at them. The three curled up together, the humans of the group petting the kitten as Thomas double tasked.

He clicked on the TV, moving toNetflixwhere he clicked up an episode of Baking Wars and let it play quietly in the background. James sighed suddenly, "I wish I could take her."

"Dolley is allergic, you can't change that"

"I know, but at least I can come here whenever, haha, I have your key" James smarted, scratching the kitten's chin.

"That's true" Thomas yawned, turning his attentions to the TV, "just, don't come in the middle of the night..."

"No promises!" James joked, earning a soft whap on the side of his head.

(Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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