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[Song: Aeroplanes by The Brobecks]

"Flight 620 departed from Australia two days ago and was scheduled to land yesterday at six pm. The plane never showed up and all contact was lost within only forty-five minutes of departure. There has been no sign of the plane or any of the passengers since contact was lost. We will be updating more as the story develops further."


Ian stared blankly at at tv. His phone was sitting on his left leg and a full bag of chips sat next to him in case he wanted to eat, which he didn't.

As his phone buzzed, Ian picked it up as quick as reflexes would let him and checked what was on the screen. He answered the call even quicker. "Hello?"

"Hey," Max's loud Australian accent rang through the phone.

"Hey Max," Ian smiled. "When are you coming to visit again?"

"How does right now sound? Because it's a bit cold waiting outside your front door all day," Max laughed.

Ian walked to the front door with a wide smile on his face as he opened up the door. Max was standing in the other side, phone still pressed to his ear and a grin on his face.

"Max!" Ian said excitedly as he hugged the aussie boy.

"Hey cutie," Max said as he put his phone away and hugged back.

"I fucking missed you," Ian pulled back and brought Max inside.

"I missed you too," Max plopped himself down on Ian's couch like he owned the place.

Ian didn't mind how Max acted, this was Max's home too for when he visited. Max was welcome here whenever he deemed necessary. Ian couldn't get enough of Max's company, he was infatuated with the boy.




"Have you seen the news?"

"No, why?"

"Y-you need to look. Now."




"What are you going to do on this fine day?" Max asked with a playful grin.

"Whatever you'd like, beautiful," Ian said as he took a seat next to Max.

"Keep flirting with me and the only place we'll end up is your bedroom," Max joked.

Ian blushed, "Sounds tempting but it's too nice of a day to spend inside."

"Sex outside then?" Max laughed.

Ian laughed as well, "if you're good."

"Oh but I'm such a bad boy, I'll just need to be punished."

"You kinky little shit," Ian laughed.


"That wasn't his flight, was it?"

"It was..."

"No, no, it can't be."

"Ian, it was."

"Nono. Fuck, no."


Ian and Max ended up going the park that was down the street from Ian's house. It was surprisingly empty so Max and Ian could play around as much as they wanted with minimal judgment.

Max slid down the slide and laughed like a child. Ian sat on a bench and admired the sight.

"Come play with me," Max called from the bottom of the slide.

"I much rather watch you make a fool out of yourself," Ian teased.

Max got up and walked over to Ian before climbing onto the skinny boy's lap. "You're no fun, you know that right?"

"I'm plenty fun," Ian countered.

Max put his arms on Ian shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Prove it then."


"It's going to be okay, they'll find them."

"What then? What if all they find is bodies? What if they don't find anything at all?"

"They will, Ian."

"I need him."

"I know."

"I love him. I can't lose him."


The sun was beginning to set. Ian and Max found themselves sitting on the swings, lazily swinging.

"Max," Ian said suddenly.

"Yeah?" The aussie answered.

"I love you."

Max smiled widely, "I love you too."


"Flight 620 was found today. The plane was found in the ocean after the 55 day long search. The bodies of the deceased passengers have been recovered along with the plane's black box and any salvageable possessions. A ceremony for the deceased is scheduled to be held next week, information about the event has been provided and is accessible through our website."



Ian looked up from the swing, "Oh, hey Joji."

Joji sighed as he sat down on the other swing, "I know you really miss Max but this isn't healthy. It's freezing out and you're sitting here pretending Max is with you. Come on, let's get you home."

Ian looked down, "sometimes it feels like he's still here, still joking around and flirting like he always would. It feels like he's with me and I can just lose myself for days in the delusion of being with him. It just all feels so real."

"I get what you mean," Joji said.

Ian sighed and stood. "I'm going to head home."

"Okay, be careful," Joji said as stood as well.

Ian walked off, not exactly going home. He just walked and walked until he could no longer walk. And when that happened, he jumped.


That was sad and the next one is going to be a bit sad but they won't always be this way. This won't be as regularly updated as what I'm mainly writing but I'll update when I can. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy.

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