Cape Town

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[Cape Town by The Young Veins]

Ian wasn't the type of person for one night stands. In fact, he had never had one before. That changed on the night he met Max.

Max was the pretty boy at the end of the bar. He could catch your eyes easily with his looks that he didn't even try to perfect, his beauty came naturally. He was exotic too, not from the country, and of course he was from Australia. The accent worked perfectly to his demeanor too, there was something sexy to it that coincided with his looks.

Ian on the other hand, well, he wasn't much compared to Max. He was just the tall, skinny white boy with the geeky glasses.

But not to Max.

Max's eyes were glued Ian as soon as he stepped into the bar. He watched as the lanky man walked over and took an empty seat. Max got up, not too quickly though and approached Ian.

"You don't seem like the bar type," Max said as he took the seat next to Ian.

"I'm not," Ian replied.

"Interesting," Max stated.

"How so?" Ian questioned.

"A non bar type walks into a bar and takes a seat, yet gives no purpose as to why he entered."

"Maybe I'm meeting someone," Ian suggested.

"But you're not," Max shook his head.

"And how would you be so sure?" Ian questioned.

"You walked straight in and sat," Max observed. "You didn't look around for anyone or check your phone, therefore you aren't meeting with anyone. So why are you here?"

Ian shrugged, "needed a break from home."

"I get that feeling," Max said with a slight laugh. "I'm a whole other country away from my home."

"Why's that?" Ian asked.

"Ran away," Max answered. Ian nodded. "Couldn't take it anymore."

"Take what?" Ian wondered.

Max shook his head. "It's not important. Plus you're a stranger, you don't need to know my whole like story."

Ian shrugged, "That's how people go from strangers to friends, by telling each other things."

"No offense but I'm not looking for friends at the moment," Max said. Ian just shrugged.

The bartender came over and the two strangers ordered their drinks. Conversation stopped for a while, the only sound being the people surrounding and the music quietly playing through the speakers on the ceiling.

It was Max who finally broke the silence, "I'm Max by the way."

"Ian," Ian said curtly.

"I only wanted to tell you so you knew what I scream later," Max smirked.

"You think you can just get in my pants like that?" Ian laughed. "No fucking way, man."

"It was worth a shot, you are pretty hot," Max said.

Ian laughed again, "Thanks, you are too. And what makes you think I'd be screaming your name? I think you'd be screaming mine."

"Is that so?" Max questioned.

"Yeah, look at us. I'm clearly the top out of this relationship," Ian reasoned.

"Are you now?" Max smirked. "I don't think so."

"Have you looked at yourself?" Ian joked.

"I have. You know maybe you should prove to me that I'm wrong." Max knew what he was doing, he wanted to get Ian like this just for that. Max wasn't dumb, he knew how to get exactly what he wanted.

"Fine then," Ian agreed.

Max smiled, "Let's get out if here then."

With that the duo left the bar and went to Ian's place.

It's natural to assume what happens next. With the conversation that happened before leaving, you'd easily be able to guess the two men had a night of sexual contact.

Of course, you'd be right.


Ian woke up the next morning, feeling cold as he realised he was naked and only covered by a small blanket. Confusion hit him at first, seeing as he didn't normally sleep naked.

Then it hit him.

All the memories of the night before came flooding in like the dam holding them back had suddenly burst. But one thing wasn't answered: where was Max?

Ian put his clothes on then looked around the house. The only trace of Max he found was a rose sitting on the table next to his bed with a note attached to it.

Ian picked up the note and read it:

You were great, thanks for proving me wrong. Maybe we'll meet again someday, we can be friends and I'll tell you my story.


Ian crumpled up the note and threw it. If he ever saw Max again he'd have to decline the offer of friendship.

In fact, he'd probably smack Max.

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