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Climbing out the back door, didn't leave a mark. No one knows it's you, Miss Jackson...

I strolled down the city streets in skin tight grey jeans, black block-heeled boots, a white t-shirt, and a black bomber jacket. I was wearing black matted lipstick, black winged eyeliner, silver highlights, and silver eyeshadow. A floppy black felt hat sat on top of my head to block out the sun. To pull everything together, I had my everyday Michael Kors quilted purse slung over my left shoulder.

As I strutted down the pavement, my music started cutting in and out. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started messing with the headphones. I let out an annoyed sigh when the song started to buffer. As I tinkered with my phone, I bumped into someone walking in the opposite direction.

"Hey! Watch it!" the man hollered at me.
"Oi, sorry," I jumped. I took out my ear buds and hung them around my neck. "Do I know you?" I asked.
"I don't think so," he said.
"Wait," I said. "Were you the guy who dropped his wallet at Starbucks?"
"You... you're not that Dani person, are you?"
"That's exactly who I am," I smiled.
"Shit," he groaned.
"It's nice to see you again," I teased.
"I have to go."
"Wait." I lightly wrapped my right arm around his waist and turned him around so he could face me.
"What?" he grumbled. "Are you gonna try and drag me off into an ally to try and suck me off?"
"Not unless you want me to," I giggled.
"I'm outta here."
"Wait, wait." I tugged him back by his jacket. "I wanted to apologize."
"For acting like a jackass. I'm sure you're a nice guy and you really didn't deserve to be put in that kind of situation." He nodded in agreement. "How 'bout I buy you dinner Saturday night?"
"No," he said.
"Fine," he sighed. "I'm free Wednesday."
"Pick me up at work," I beamed. "I promise I won't come on to you again."
"See you then."
"See you then," he replied. "Can you let go of my jacket now? I'm late for work; I'm assuming you are too."
"I'm actually off today."
"Well, I'm not, so please let go of my jacket."
"Sorry," I laughed. "See you!" I called as he walked away. He held up his hand as he half assed a wave.


"Guess who's going on a date today," I said in a sing-songy voice.
"It's not a date," PJ said. "Now shut up and help me make these drinks."
"I don't wanna chip my nails."
"Knock it off and work."
"I'm working," I pouted. "And it is too a date."
"No, it's not—you're just giving this guy an apology lunch. Nothing more, nothing less. Now fucking help the customers."
"No one's waiting to order."
"Yeah, but you can still help by making drinks."
"Fine." I started pouring someone's coffee and thinking about the cute outfit I chose. "Hey, PJ," I continued singing.
"What?" He rolled his eyes.
"Wanna hear 'bout the outfit I picked out?"
"No," he said.
"Too bad."
"Just fucking work; is that too much to ask?"
"Well, I'm wearing my black suede block-heel boots–"
"The ones with the gold zips?"
"Those are hot."
"Thank you," I squeaked. "I'm also gonna be wearing black fishnets with some ripped shorts."
"Black," I laughed, "what else? Then, for the shirt, well, it's just an oversized red flannel."
"No undershirt?"
"Nah, I'm just gonna roll up the sleeves and leave the top button undone."
"Aren't you gonna be cold?"
"That's the price I pay for beauty," I joked. "Grande vanilla latte for Louise!"
"Right here," the lady said.
"Have a nice day."
"Thanks. Oh, and I love the makeup."
"Thank you," I smiled.
"Also, your outfit sounds really cute."
"I like you," I giggled.
"Have fun on your date, Dani, is it?"
"Dan, Dani, Daniel, I'm not particular."
"Well, I hope you have fun."
"It's not a date," PJ hollered.
"He can still have a good time, can't he?" the girl said.
"Whats your name again?" I asked.
"Louise, next time you come in, ask for me."
"Cause I'm buying your next coffee."
"You're a doll," she beamed. "Te-ta, then."

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