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Sexy Sadie, oh, what have you done? Sexy Sadie, you broke the rules. You laid down for all to see...

"Excuse me," I said.
"Hi, how can I help you?" The receptionist lowered the volume on her desk radio as she spoke.
"I'm looking for Phil Lester."
"May I ask why?" she asked. She picked up her desk phone and started dialing Phil's office.
"Personal matters."
"Mr. Lester, there's someone asking to see you."
"Send them up," Phil replied.
"You can go right up, dear," the lady smiled.
"Thank you," I said. "Um, where's his office?"
"You're going to take the first elevator on your right, then go to the tenth floor. His office will be at the end of the hall; you can't possibly miss it."
"Thank you."
"No problem."

I started walking towards the elevator; everyone I passed just stared at me. For once, I wasn't in a revealing outfit. I was in black dress pants, a loose, slightly see-through white button down with a white undershirt, and black stilettos that were custom made to fit my foot.

I had recently bought a new, white Coach purse with a detachable gold chain; I also spoiled myself and bought white cat-eyes with a gold accent. My makeup was nothing special; just some casual black eyeliner, nude eyeshadow, and gold highlights.

After I made it up to the tenth floor, I asked a few people to direct me to Phil's office. Once I found the door, I knocked twice before letting myself in.

"Hazel, why do you want? I'm very busy."
"Huh?" I raised a brow.
"Oh, Dan, sorry... I thought you were someone else. Please, come in. Just shut the door behind you."
"If you're busy I can go."
"No, it's fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive. Hey, random question, but what's your favorite name for a girl?"
"Dani," I giggled.
"Any others?" he smiled.
"I don't know... I like Emily and Amelia, but those are far too common. Um... how 'bout Lily?"
"Lily... I like that... thanks."
"Oh, I just..." he trailed off. "My friend is pregnant and she's asking everyone for name suggestions."
"She's having a girl?"
"Yeah," he mumbled as he typed away on his computer. "So what's up? What brings you here?"
"Well, Mr. Lester, you still owe me a lunch." I leaned over on his desk and flashed him a cheeky smile.
"Hm, I'd love to go, but I'm incredibly busy."
"So, do you want me to go?"
"No, I should be done soon. I just have a few more phone calls to make and I should be fine for an hour or two."
"Okay," I shrugged.
"You can take a seat, if you want."
"Oh, thank you."

I set my purse down on his desk and sat in a chair adjacent to his. Phil made a few more calls, to people I'm assuming were clients, as I looked around his office.

"Phil," I whined, "I'm hungry."
"Kinda busy here, Dan."
"Come on." I got up from the chair and walked over to his side of the desk. I started lightly running my fingers over his shoulders.
"Dan." He started flinching and shrugging my hands off. "Knock it off."
"What?" My hands wandered down his chest as my lips ghosted over his neck. "I'm not doing anything."
"Dan, please don't make me ask again."
"What am I doing?" I spun his chair around and grinned. "I'm kidding, I'll stop." I adjusted my posture and checked my hair in the faint reflection of his office window. "You're so easy to mess with," I giggled.
"You're such a fucking tease," he sighed.
"I don't know what you're taking about." I had an oblivious tone in my voice. "I got all dressed up and spiffy to come visit you at–"

The next thing I knew, his lips were on mine. I straddled his desk chair as I deepened the kiss. Phil moved his hand to the small of my back so I wouldn't fall off. I ran my hands through the mans hair as I reluctantly pulled away.

"I-I thought you were married," I stuttered as I tried to catch my breath.
"I'm getting divorced." He kissed me again. "Why do you think I don't wear a ring?" As we started kissing again, he began unbuttoning my shirt.
"Mm," I hummed as I pulled away. "What are you doing?"
"Undressing you," he breathed.
"No." I kissed his neck. "I don't have time for that."

I climbed off the chair and got down on my knees. I ran my left hand up his thigh and dug the heel of my hand into his growing member.

"Shit," he hissed.

I unbuckled and undid his trousers. He pulled out his half hard length and started stroking it. I took off my heels and sat back on my feet.

"You sure you wanna do this?" I asked. He nodded as he laced his fingers through my hair.

I kissed and nipped at his lower abdomen before moving to his length. I licked a stripe up from the base and ran my tongue through the slit. He hung his head back and groaned.

"Such a fucking tease..."

He pulled on my hair and forced me down on his now leaking cock. I bobbed my head up and down, eliciting satisfying sounds from the older man. Every other time I came up, I bit on the head of his member, causing him to buck into my mouth.

I dragged my tongue over his slit, collecting all the pre-cum. I dipped my hand in his pants and started squeezing at his balls. His body flinched and I couldn't help but smile. I forced out a moan, sending vibrations down his cock.

"Shit, Dan... I'm-I'm... oh my god."

He tugged on my brunette curls as I took in as much as I could. I felt his tip hit the back of my throat as my nose was buried in his hair. He slowly started moving his hips as tears gradually made their ways to my eyes.

"Shit, I'm sorry," Phil whispered. He wiped the salty water off my face as I pulled myself off with a satisfying pop.

I started pumping his length, flicking my wrist and running my thumb through the slit every chance I got. Phil started to tremble under my touch.

"I'm close..."

I picked up the pace with my hand and stuck my tongue out. He held my head in place, pulling on my hair as he hung his head back.

"Dan, fuck!"

He groaned as he started cumming on my face. I fluttered my eyes as I collected all of the sticky substance and licked it off my finger. I stood up and ghosted my lips over his. I let out a cheeky laugh as I lightly bit his earlobe.

"You taste good," I giggled.
"Do I?" he chuckled.
"Yeah, you do." I yanked on his tie and forced him into a kiss.

"Mr. Lester, you weren't answering, so I just sent Hazel up."

"Oh no..." Phil said.
"Oh no what?" I asked.
"Get under the desk."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Get under the desk," he repeated. He started doing up his trousers as he fixed his hair.
"No, I am not hiding under your fucking desk," I angrily said as I got my heels on.
"Then at least button up your shirt and sit in a chair."
"Okay," I shrugged.
"And clean up the rest of the cum off your fucking face, please." He wiped the remaining white streaks off my face and fixed my hair. "Sit and start talking about random bullshit."
"Okay..." I raised a brow and sat down.
"Hey, Phil," a woman huffed.

She was tall, blonde, and tired. I can't exactly blame her, seeing how she seemed to have a very large stomach; this must've been Phil's pregnant friend.

"Hazel," he nodded.
"Is this a bad time?"
"Yes, in fact, it is," he snarled. "So, you're hired." He stood up and buttoned his suit jacket. "Come back tomorrow to fill out your paperwork."
"Oh..." I didn't know how to respond. I just stood up and shook his hand. "Thank you, sir." He darted his eyes to the door then back to me. "I'll see you tomorrow, I guess." I picked up my purse and left the office.
"Sorry for my poor timing," Hazel blushed.
"It's okay. Hi, by the way." He leaned over the desk and kissed the corner of her mouth. "Why're you here?"
"I was wondering if you could pick the boys up from school."
"What time?"
"What's the soonest you can get out of here?"
"I have a meeting at four."
"Do you think you could pick them up, drop them off at your parents, and then run back here?"
"It'll be a pain, but I'm sure I can do it."
"Thank you," she smiled. "So what was that girl interviewing for?"
"Personal assistant."
"It's about time you get one of those. Good for you, baby."
"Thanks," he grinned. "Oh, so I think I have a name for the baby."

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