last meeting.

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I hate to admit it. But  i got the feeling like the book is not interesting. I just hope you guys. Take interest in it. Thanks for reading ...

So  #writer_ji thanks for adding my book Alpha mate.


Its strange but real. Its been rare to see me with a girl or attracted to one. So here i am attracted and having a crush and her name is sara. Its been a week since she's here.  Her friends are already good with my friends but me on the other hand  , i'm waiting for a signal from her side.

I know its stupid but i'm like this. My mom told me to stop being shy and all. But i can't stop it.

Today i was going to talk to her in our english class. She had pratically most class with me and we either sit side by side or infront of each other.

Every time we would look at each other she would smile at me. Rushing in my English class , i was interrupt by something or may be someone. Turning around i   found the popular bitch .

Anna was known as a popular bitch cause she slept around with the whole school. She had that reputation to be good in bed and since she had every good and rich guy on her bed , i and my friends are maybe the last one left on her list.

Bitch: ummm hey , i'm Anna.

Me: Hi. With a bored expression.

Bitch: i was thinking to invite you to my party, this weekend.

Why does she want to invite me in a party. Is she sick or what. Did her friends die.

Me: party??

Bitch : yaa its my birthday it would be a pleasure .

Oh so its bitch birthday.  I don't think i would go . Cause there would be loud music and all. And i hate it.

Me : yaa , i would come.

Lying would not kill. Its better to lie than to be with her when she pleads.

Bitch: oh really , thanks then..

Then she did the most unexpected thing, she kiss me on my cheeks , its wasn't that horrible but it was cause sara was watching me with an angry expression.

Then sara turn around and left . I could not let that happen. I was going to talk to her today . No , no ,no i was going to express my feelings . Shit i don't want to lose her.

Coming outside ,in the parking , i found her rushing towards her car and i was about to catch her when i was pull back and thrown in a van.


Looking around i found 4 men .

Man: keep quiet or you will die.

Me: yess sir.

Today i know i lose her.


So guys this chapter was short and i know it. But guess what . The story is changing now. Sara and xavier's life had change.

So let me give ou a briefing.

Nah nah nah. Read next chapter to know about it.

Please vote and comment and those who would add my book to their reading list, i would thank them by writing it in any book chapters.

Thanks for reading...

Cheshna 😍

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