What Happened to Peacevill?

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Corey's POV

"Wh...What just happened?"I ask myself as I get up.

I was in a bed,but where?I get up from it and look around,it looks like I'm in the hospital.Then a giant headache attacks me.It hurts.I get out of the room and see hundreds of people in the lobby.What the heck is going on?Then I see Kin and Kon and I walk towards them.

"Hey,you finally woke up,"Kin says.

"How long was I out?"I ask.

"About 2-3 hours,"Kon answers.

"Oh..."I say.

I rember exactlly what happened...Laney...she's gone....

"Where's Chuck?"I ask coldly.

"He's in City Hall,"Kin answers

"City Hall?!"I yell,"How?"

"He used the robots,this time instead of staying apart the robots fought together,there where so many,"Kin says.

"Hey what happened to Laney?Did she escape?"Kon asks me.

"Sh...she...she's gone,"I say,"Chuck took her..."

"That explains why the robots weren't such and easy target,"Kin says,"They where unified!"

"Why is it that being unified,means they weren't easy targets?"I ask.

"Well the robots now got each others back,wich means one will always replace the other,"Kin explains.

"Oh...that's bad,"I say.

"So what do we do?"Kon asked.

"I...I don't know,"Kin says,"I have no clue."

"I'll tell you what we'll do!We'ym ll get some wepons barge in there and take Peacevill and Laney back!"I say!"Who's with me?"

"We are,"Kin and Kon say.

"Nick Mallory is in too,"Nick says,"The town needs help."

"Nick?"I say slightly confused.

"Yeah,Nick wants to help the people out,"Nick says.

"I'm in too!"Mayor Mellow says.

"OK..."I say.What's next everyone in town is gonna fight?

"We're all gonna fight!"someone yells.

Oh,you jinxed  it Corey.So we have and army,but no plan or wepons.

"OK,so what about wepons?"I ask.

"Leave that to me!"Kin says.

"Alright,what about a stratagey next?"I ask,"Who knows where each robot is located?"

"Again,leave that part to me,"Kin says.

"What would we do without you,"I say.

"Act like fools and get yourselfs killed,"Kin says.

"Dude,you just had to say that?!"I say.

"Sorry,couldn't help it,"Kin says.

"So it's all planned,we go to City Hall tomarrow and fight for freedom,"I say.

We're comming for you Chuck,and this time I want to end this.I'll make sure of it.You'll pay for everything you've done.

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