The new kid

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Andrea is  an 8th grader in middle school. She's a honors student at the school and of course everyone knows her as the goodie two shoes. It was around 11:30 (lunch time). Speakers: Can I please have Andrea to the front office. Thank you.
Andrea's pov
I walked to the office. This was nothing new I was always called to show new students or tutor other kids. I walk in and I see a tall brown haired blue eyed boy.  "Andrea great you're here. This is Chase Keith one of our new students be a dear and show him around and talk to him about the sports and clubs please" said the principal.
Andrea's pov
He just stood there smiling. I mean I had to admit he was pretty cute. 
Chase's pov
I didn't know what to do. I just stood there with a big stupid smile across my face. Stupid stupid I thought do something don't just stand there.  "Hi, I'm Chase Keith nice to meet you." No no she already knows my name great way to make a fool of yourself Chase.
Andrea's pov
I giggled and smiled. "Hi, I'm Andrea. Umm let me show you around."  Ok ok don't make a fool of yourself Andrea.

We walked around and I showed him the classes, lockers, lunch room, p.e. field, and basketball courts. We talked about where he used to live, what sports we played, and other things. We got to know each other.  We sat at a table and ate lunch together while my friends just gossiped about how cute he was.
    The bell rang and lunch time was over.
Andrea's pov
        "Well that's the end of lunch. Umm let me see your class schedule."  A smirk came across my face.  He had the same classes as me besides 4 period but that didn't matter I had 5 other classes with him. Oh no I thought. Could.....
could it be that I have a crush on Chase. 
Chase's pov
"Andrea you ok."  I could see that she was lost in her thoughts.
"Yea yea I'm ok umm we have the same class except for 4."
Chase's pov
Yess yes this is great I thought. I better not make it obvious that I kinda like her. "Really that's cool."
"Yea umm let's go can't be late ."
Andrea's pov
We sat by my friends and Chase being his funny friendly self became friends with these five idiots. Conner, Donovan,Gabriel, Joseph and my brother Esteban.Ooh I hated these hooligans they always would make fun of my friends. Abi, June and I just sat there .

"Great now he's going to become one of them. A dumb self centered shallow ken doll." said june.
Abi and I giggled.
"What a shame such a cute smart boy down the drain." Abi whispered
"Nah I don't think Chase is capable of making fun of anyone." I said. 
"Awww does someone have a crushy washy on Chase."
"What no I don't. Why would you think that June. "

   Chase's pov
I made friends with these other 5 guys. They seem pretty chill.
"Aye Chase any girl caught your eye yet." Whispered Conner.
"Yo but not june that's Conner's girl" Donovan said laughing.
   " Shut up dude" Conner said.
I was laughing I can already see the 5 of us hanging out. "Soo Chase you didn't answer my question about the whole girl thing."
"Oh yea umm promise you won't tell anyone."
"Yea man we're all tight here nothing leaves this conversation." said Joseph.
"Ok well I think Andrea is pretty cute."
"Oh her"said Donovan.
"What. What's wrong with her." I said.
"Last time she told Gabe she liked him he did her wrong and played her feelings." Donovan said.
"She hasn't laughed or smiled since then" said Conner.
"Really during lunch Andrea and I were joking and laughing."
-Gabe shifts uncomfortably-
"So you thinking on doing any sports."
"Yea actually I was thinking on doing lacrosse."
"Oh that's great we all are on the team. Practice is at 5 today right after the girls volleyball
"Aye chase if you come early you'll see Andrea playing she's team captain." A smirk came across my face again "Oh ok." I'm definitely coming early now.
                   -end of chapter-

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