Small intermission

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Did you miss me?

Once the turtles had made their way home, they all dropped down on the couch and bean bags in front of the tv. Even if they were used to staying up late for patrol, it didn't mean they weren't tired.

"Guys, we should go get some rest." Leo suggested, still not moving himself. The others groaned in response since they didn't want to move.

"Yeah, you do that Leo. I'll just claim this beanbag so I don't have to use my legs anymore." Raph said as he put his hands behind his head to get comfortable and closed his eyes. Leo looked around to see Mikey halfway passed out on the couch as well. He turned to look at Donnie who was staring off to nothing, frowning a little as if he was thinking about something. Donnie met Leo's eyes and they shared a knowing glance with each other before Leo spoke up again.

"Well if no one is going to move I'll guess we'll just sleep here!" Leo said a bit louder than usual to make sure Mikey heard him as he fell back closing his eyes. Not even five seconds passed before Mikey fell asleep and began snoring. As soon as they all heard it Donnie casually spoke up.

"Alright, so something's going on." He stated sitting up. Leo opened his eyes and sat up straight as well. He wasn't really that tired, and wanted to talk to the others about Mikey too. Before he could speak up Raph beat him to it by suddenly sitting up and surprising them by being awake as well.

"Ya don't say brainiac." He said joining the conversation. Leo looked at him surprised.

"Wait, hold on. I thought you were asleep?"

"You think I don't notice when you're planning to talk while Mikey's asleep? I don't need one of your stupid 'knowing brother looks' before I know what you're planning to do." Raph shrugged unamused.

"But then how did you know we were gonna wait for him to fall asleep and talk?" Donnie asked him.

"I'm just that good." Raph said smirking confidently before turning a bit to fully face them. Donnie sighed in annoyance, but before he could say something back Leo broke them up by speaking up himself.

"Guys! This is serious. He was acting strange and I just want to know why so could you just tell me what you noticed so we can try to figure it out? He's obviously hiding something..." Leo stated getting lost in his thoughts. It was silent for a while as they all thought about it. Donnie was the first to break it.

"Well, we didn't really talk about anything important. He just asked me why I liked April..." He mumbled. Leo and Raph looked up at him when they heard the new information. Raph grunted and moved to put his hand on the back of his head again as fell back in the beanbag.

"He asked me a bit about Bradford..." Raph began causing everyone to look his way.

"Bradford? He still thinks about that guy?" Leo asked, obviously bothered by this.

"Yeah... And something about morals and stuff..." Raph mumbled the last part since he really wanted to avoid going in depth about the answers he gave Mikey. Leo leaned forward and rested his head on his hands while he frowned.

"He talked about Leatherhead to me... Strange, these things don't seem to be related at all..." Leo commented.

"Well, what did he tell or ask you about leatherhead then?" Donnie asked trying to get the most information about this he could.

"Nothing special really, just if I thought if he was an okay guy or not." Leo explained while Donnie frowned at this. Why would Mikey suddenly need to confirm Leo thought Leatherhead was an okay guy?

"So this was practically useless! We have something about Bradford, Leatherhead, and Donnie's stupid crush on April yet we're not any closer to figuring out what the shell this is all about." Raph stated feeling bored already. He stood up and streched his arms.

"If ya don't mind, I'd really rather just go get some sleep. You two have fun figuring out he was probably just acting weird over nothing again." He stated casually before walked to his room and left Donnie and Leo to discuss things on their own. Leo sighed as he watched him walk away before he turned back to his other brother.

"Maybe Raph's right-" Leo started but stopped when he saw Donnie's mildly surprised face. "Yeah, yeah I get it, never thought I'd have to say that again too. Even so, thinking about this when we're tired like this and in the middle of the night when we can't do anything anyway isn't really going to help anyone." Leo sighed tiredly as Donnie nodded and agreed with him.

"We should at least try to keep an eye on him though. Usually you can read a lot about people and how they're feeling from the things they do on a day or the way they talk and act. We already know something changed in the way he's acting so if we pay close attention to the things he does we might be able to figure this out." He explained his plan talking a little quieter than before just so Mikey wouldn't be able to hear if he happened to be a little bit conscious. Leo agreed to what Donnie had planned and a silence fell over them as they finally felt the need for sleep settle in after such a long day. Donnie looked over at Mikey who was now laying sideways as if he had just fallen over while sitting on the couch.

"So, should I carry Mikey to his room? Or should we just leave him alone?" Leo suddenly broke the silence, having followed Donnie's gaze toward Mikey. Feeling the way his legs ached after walking around the rooftops in the cold rain for so long he wasn't really feeling up to carrying Mikey towards his room, but he didn't want him to just lay here the entire night.

"If you don't mind, could you carry him to his room? It wouldn't be good for him to lay on the couch like this the entire night, and it can get pretty cold in here too." He spoke and stood up to see Leo had already carefully lifted up his little brother from the couch.

"I'll can carry him to his room. You go get some rest yourself, I'll be fine on my own." Leo stated as he and Donnie parted ways once they reached Donnie's door and Leo was left to go up to Mikey's room by himself. Of course he didn't have any high expectations, but after finally being able to open the door without dropping his little brother to the ground while he did so he hoped the hardest parts had been over. Even so, the world just isn't that kind and Leo nearly groaned in annoyance when he say that almost no part of Mikey's floor was even visible. Luckily he was able to carefully make his way through a little path that seemed to exist from the door to the bed and he carefully placed Mikey underneath the covers. He stared at him a little while, seeing the peaceful and calm expression on his littlest brother his face, something he didn't see very often because of how hyper he could be. Silently he made his way out through the room which looked more like a battlefield, but since he was a ninja it wasn't that difficult for him.

As curious as he was, he knew Donnie and him had a plan that would work out. And he was sure he could get Raph to go along with it too. They were gonna figure this out. One way or another.

Writer block's a b'*ch

I am truly sorry for disappearing on you guys for so long. My summer vacation is over, school has begun again and these little breaks in which I am gonna start writing again are going to be the only things to keep me sane.

Thank you for reading my story, I will see you in the next chapter.


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