Batgirl/Batwoman: Revenge of the Riddler

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Author's Note: Several months ago, this sequel was commissioned by a Wattpad member who I will not name. I finished the story but was never paid for it, and so withheld it for quite a while, refusing to let it be seen out of sheer spite.

However, I've finally decided to release it to the public so that other fans of the original Gotham Weekend story can enjoy its continuation.

To the original commissioner, if you're seeing this: I'd like you to know that you're a pretty pathetic person. Enjoy the story.


"Wait a second. You landed yourself back in Arkham? On purpose? Yeesh, Nigma, they call me crazy."

Edward allowed himself a small, superior smirk as he sat perched at the edge of his bunk, twirling a piece of thin pipe the way he might have with his signature question-mark cane. Two-Face's growled concerns might have held some merit for a smaller mind, but he was not dealing with a smaller mind. He was clumsily attempting to relate to something he had no way of understanding. Trying to grasp the plan of a true genius. "In a mad world, only the mad are sane," he quoted quietly, his expression darkening, eyes glimmering with a sort of lucid malice seen in very few of Arkham Asylum's inmates.

Another growl of disdain from the scorched, scarred vocal chords of Harvey Dent, and the villain rolled over onto his side on the top bunk. "Don't you dare start talking like Joker. I made some serious bribes to not get bunked with him this time."

Riddler let out an annoyed sigh through his nostrils. "You have more in common with the clown than I do, Dent," he spat the last word disdainfully. He continued to twirl the piece of pipe, back, then forth, then back, then forth, the lilting rhythm of it helping him focus. Helping his magnificent brain process every piece of his plan. "There's a reason I came back to Arkham. There's a reason I got the attention of the girls when I had the chance. There's a reason I was thrown back in here without anyone properly tracing my steps first. There's a reason for everything I do. Unlike you."

"I got my own reasons." Two-Face snarled, then paused. "Well, reason."

A thousand insults and bitebacks simmered across the surface of Edward's mind, possible retorts, like demons screaming briefly to the surface of a pool of oil, sticky and wailing -- only to sink back into the darkness. They'd all make him feel better, make him feel superior, but they probably wouldn't be worth the cell-beating he'd receive as a reward. He decided to simply let it slide, ignoring the half-faced ex-lawyer for now. He had better things to think about.

"Hey, Charlie," Riddler said as the guard walked past the bars of his cell, his grin widening. "Do you have the time?"

The guard scowled, rattling his baton slowly across the bars with a harsh, echoing click-click-click. "You got a hot date, Nigma? News flash, we ain't lettin' you outta here. Not ever. You're in for good this time."

"And you'd deny me the simple privilege of knowing the time?" Edward feigned sorrow. "I'm a sick man, you know. Do me this one small comfort."

The guard -- Charlie, apparently -- sighed, turning his gaze to the clock at the far end of the hall, just out of Riddler's view. "Almost eight. Happy?"

Riddler laid back against the thin, creaking mattress of his bunk, grinning from ear to ear now. "Ecstatic."


"Faster!" Bruce roared firmly, his voice loud but not angry. Still in control, always in control. He thrust one open palm outward, striking the flat of his hand against Stephanie's stomach and knocking the wind out of her, causing the newly-minted Batgirl to stumble backward. Nearly falling but regaining her footing at the last moment, Stephanie gasped for breath as she tried to pull herself back into a battle stance. "No amount of kevlar will protect you from the force of a blunt strike. Once you're off balance you're no good to me." Bruce Wayne's voice lowered to a dark rumble, those cold blue eyes of his growing even more dour. "You'll be even less good to me dead."

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