broke up

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Hey um yeah from the title you know what happened but we actually broke in January after I got out of mental hospital we rarely talked and something felt off...... Like really off it wasn't natural I love him don't get me wrong he is a good person just it was like we where not connecting and he never texted me much we litterally didn't talk much and grade where bad so with or without a choice I did but he changed fast by I wish me and him could be friends but he calls me crazy that's where he is wrong......... I am a psychic bitch one thing that makes me that way without my music I either try killing my self or others like I am hunting someone down cause the beat the shit outta my brother and he almost died but my music is stopping me and calming me down but back to what I was saying he gives my family and friends dirty looks and he knows they tell me and it makes me mad but I have better boyfriend and I have a fiancé they both know about each other and what's up with that and they treat me better then he has ever I love both of them so much alright untill next time guys STAY AWESOME AND PUNCH THE LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE LIKE A BOSS AND I WILL SEE YOU NEXT TIME BUH-BYE

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