ok ik

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Ok I know I just said me and sb are dating but we broke up and I am with someone else he is amazing I don't want anyone else but him I list friends over him but me and him are changing to the same school next year and he'll meet my fam I can't wait I love aaron more then anything and I have never felt this way about anyone actually it may seem like I have but towards aaron I haven't but me and him have talked about it and I asked him to promise me if we change and my fam isn't there he won't leave me and he promised he won't leave me 💓 not ever and I might get him to meet my fam the first day who knows only time will tell and within time we will know and I may not have it all together but together with him I have it all everything I ever wanted and I don't want to lost it he makes me feel safer then anyone has before not even my own parents have made me feel this safe I'mma tell you how I explained him in the looks he has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen his voice is so sexy to me his smile makes me smile his hair is hottest hair anyone could have his laugh drives me wild and it's makes me laugh and smile his hands a softer but his lip are the softest part of him he maybe a skinny tooth pick and not really that strong but he is strong to me in hi own way his scent calms me down and helps me sleep when I need it his scent is so welcoming to me when he calls me babe or baby he always will get my attention when I tickle him and he squirms it's so adorable he give the best hugs just his touch can drive me wild when he uses his baby voice is so cute I end up mumbling aww when he moves his face when I got to boop his nose is so smol I have so many ways to describe him I can describe him more then I could sb or Dean I cuddle with the stuffed animal he got me all the time when I am sad he is there to cheer me up when I am mad and about to lose my shit he calms me down so I don't beat the shit outta someone when I am suicidal he reminds me some people still need me and I have two people telling me I'm a break up with him when summer hits but I refuse and say I'd rather kill myself then lose him I call him the love of my life he is who I'd choose over my own biological family nobody can rip me and him apart and if they do they'd be a cause of a death but that's all I got for this chapter

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