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Koeun: "Mark? What in the world?!" she was starting to lose her temper as Mark continued to laugh as he lay on the floor.
Mark: "Yah Koeun-ah, you should've seen the look on your face" he teased her.
Koeun: "It's not funny, idiot" she scolded him. He was too busy laughing, he didn't realize Koeun had already started to tear up since she was so scared from earlier. Not wanting him to notice, she quickly started to walk away.
Mark: "Are you really mad? Yah Koeun-ah!" he called to her as she walked away. He stood up and tried to move his arm. "That was one hard swing" he massaged the pain on his arm. As he tried to move it in a circular motion, he couldn't help but notice a sharp pain coming from his shoulder blade. "Ah jinjja..." he expressed "Don't tell me Koeun broke my arm?" he complained. Thinking it'll feel better in the morning, Mark continued to walk back to his dorm. Couldn't get her priceless reaction out of his head, he found himself smiling all the while thinking of what had just happened.

Making it to the dorm, Koeun ran into her room and shut the door behind her. Her heart was beating fast and she felt overwhelmed by everything that had just happened to her. She hasn't felt that kind of fear in forever. After collecting her thoughts, she walked over to her bed and set her bag down. She noticed her roommate Hina left her a note on her desk.

Koeun-unnie, I'm spending the night in Herin's room. Her roommate is sleeping at her parent's house tonight and Herin's scared of sleeping alone so I'll be next door if you need me. Turn on the lamp for you...the note read.

Koeun smiled at Hina's eye-roll emoji that she drew on the bottom of the post-it note. Soon after, she washed up and headed to bed. Before dozing off, her phone started ringing. Checking to see who was calling her at this time of the night, she saw that the incoming call was from her mother. Koeun felt relieved and caressed just hearing her mother's voice. She could go through some of the worst days ever but it all manages to go away as soon as she talks to her mother at night before going to sleep.

<< the next day . . . >>

Everyone was up and ready as soon as 4:30am hit their alarm clocks. Koeun went around waking up the members who were assigned to go into recording session that morning.

Hina: "Unnie, who's all on the list again? I'll help you wake them up" she yawned.
Koeun: "Uh-huh, sure... Just go wash up first" she laughed at Hina who was still half asleep. Koeun noticed someone making noises from touching pots and pans in the kitchen. Making her way towards that direction, she saw Herin who was cooking eggs on a frying pan.
Herin: "Unnie, hurry and come eat breakfast. We can't record on an empty stomach"
Koeun: "Araso, you eat first. I'm going to go wake up Jeesu and Winny real quick"

As she approached their door, she noticed that they had locked the door. Not wanting to wake up all of the other trainees, she knocked on the door over and over to tell the girls to wake up. Hina, who still had her toothbrush in her mouth, banged on the door but still- no response.

Hina: "Unnie-deul, hurry and wash up. Manager-nim will be here to pick us up in about 30 minutes!" she called to them. Still, no response.
Herin: "Here, let me" she insisted. Koeun and Hina stood back as they watch Herin pop the locked door open with a knife. "There you go" she told them before heading back to the kitchen to finish her breakfast.

Koeun walked in and saw that Jeesu was still sleeping and that Winny had already woken up but was busy playing on her phone.

Koeun: "Didn't you hear us banging on the door and calling out for you two?" she asked Winny calmly. As expected, Winny did not respond and only continued to play on her phone with her loud earphones in her ears.

HOPE [빛] Season 1 - COMPLETED!!Where stories live. Discover now