10: "That's at least a happy ending."

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Five months later

"What if I took online courses? I could still get the credits and not have to leave home to go to school." I suggested as my mom tried to convince me that I couldn't go to school this year because I had to take care of the baby. I had been at home, resting, breast-feeding and bonding with baby Tessa, but I hadn't lost sight of my goals either.

"Kayla, taking care of a baby is a full time job. You'll be breast-feeding until at least for another month maybe a few more months. The breast milk will keep Tessa healthy and strong while she's growing. It's the best thing for her until your milk runs out and we have to go to formula. It's not just about you any more, it's about Tessa." She stated as she put my breakfast in front of me. My mom had been taking care of me again since I had been having trouble adjusting.

"What about a job? Mom, I'm going crazy in this house. I need something to do. Let me help with the extra expenses."

"Kayla," my mom sighed as she sat down next to me and Tessa. "You need to take care of the baby, just take your time."

"Mom, I've researched it. I can put Tessa in the daycare down the street and work there while taking care of her. It will all work out, Tessa can be social and make friends and then next year I can go back to school and finish my last year of college. Please, I will take the online courses and get a job. I can't just stay in this house. I have to do something mom.

"Fine, you can be interviewed. If you get the job, great, but if not then you have to wait until Tessa is at least six months." My mom compromised as she glanced at my overly exaggerated smile.

"I already have one schedule, for today at two. It's also an interview for Tessa so she can go to the daycare if I work there." I stated with a smile, hoping that she wouldn't get upset.

"No wonder you've been pushing it for the last two weeks," she sighed. "Get dressed, I will take you now and run errands while you're in the interview." She stated as she pushed her chair away from the table to retrieve Tessa and left me to get ready.

I quickly changed into the only pair of dress pants I had that fit me still. I hadn't worked off all the baby weight yet and I either had to wear elastic pants or one of two pants that still magically fit me. I put on a loose flowy top to hide the baby fat before brushing my hair out of my face and racing back down stairs. To where my mom was already waiting for me.

My hair was brushed out into a side ponytail and I had minimal makeup on from this morning when I got up to get read for the day. I was excited to finally get out of the house for longer than an hour or errands. I was going to be able to talk to other people, and maybe get a job. I couldn't wait.

"Let's go mom. I don't want to be late!"

"At this rate you'll be there an hour early," my mom mumbled as we made our way to the door with Tessa in my arms. She had no idea where she was going, but I hoped that she would like it there. "Come on mom!" I called again as I raced out of the door into the sunshine.

I made it to the car before my mom did and quickly placed Tessa in her car seat so we could get her to the day care safely. I hopped in the car and impatiently waited for mom as she got in slowly. Luckily for me, she's never driven slowly in her life and I was still really early for my meeting.

"I will be back in an hour, call me if you finish earlier than that." She stated as I got Tessa out of her seat and agreed to her terms before turning and walking into what would hopefully be my new job. I took in the small furniture and little kids, split up by age and grade level. They all looked so happy along with the workers who found joy in being with them.

"Are you Kayla?" A voice asked, pulling me from my observation.

"Yes, ma'am." I stated politely as I turned around to see a woman in her early twenties.

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