14: "You've been served."

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"Mom I don't know what else to do. He keeps canceling every date we make now. It had been perfect, but now he's avoiding me!" I cried as my mom hurried in the kitchen to get dinner ready on time.

"Kayla, maybe he truly is busy. You should be happy for him that he got the job he was looking for and is wanted at work." She stated as she placed the chicken in the oven.

"That's what I thought for a while too, but that was three planned dates ago mom! Something is clearly wrong with me."

"Kayla, I know I told you this in high school so I don't know why it didn't stick, but not everything is about you. There are some things in this life that don't revolve around any of us. It's only for that person," she said as she took the seat next to me and tried to talk to me as if I was a teenager in high school just learning how to deal with boys.

"What if it's not that though? What if he's just lying like Scott had been the whole time before Tessa's birth?"

"No you really think Christian is anything like Scott?" She asked curiously as she took a sip of her water.

"I thought Scott was a good guy when I first met him too," I mused out loud. "He had been so supportive when he first learned about the baby. He had helped pick everything out, drove me back home for appointments and taken care of me while I was sick. I thought he really cared, if not for me, for Tessa."

"Kayla, that's the thing you learn in life. Some people make it seem like they are there for you, but when the going gets too tough then they leave. There are very few people that would stay during this time, and they are very hard to find." She said wisely as she offered a gentle smile.

"Maybe Christian's just another one of those people then. He thought he could handle it, but he realized he couldn't."

"Is that really what's bothering you, Kayla?"

"I think he's seeing other women. That's why he's been skipping dates, changing times, canceling even." I stated honestly, but my mom just let out a short laugh before she could cover it up. "What's so funny?"

"You're being ridiculous Kayla!" She laughed loudly. "He was fawning over you all during dinner, working so hard to impress you. That's not the typical thing for a man to do if they have other women on the side. Just relax I'm certain he will explain himself soon enough and you'll see that it wasn't what you were worried about." She stated with a chuckle as the doorbell rang. "Will you get that Kayla? I'm going to finish up some last minute things before your dad comes home."

"I can do that," I said with a grunt as I forced myself out of the stair.

I felt a little bit better after talking to my mother about Christian, but I had a strange feeling that he wasn't telling me something. It gave me an awful feeling because I knew something was wrong and he wasn't telling me. I just wish he would tell me, I was sure that I could handle it, even if it was just that he was freaked out that I had a child, but I just wanted to know.

I peered through peep hole to see a middle age man standing outside with a trench coat and a briefcase. I fell back onto the flats of my feet and slowly opened the door. I barely opened it a crack before I glanced outside to make sure he wasn't going to do anything odd when I opened the door.

"Are you Kayla White?" The man asked.

I looked him up and down carefully before I answered, "I am." I stated tentatively as he reached into his pock and pulled out a sheet of paper. He handed it to me briskly before snapping his hand away.

"You've been served. See you in court." He said as he handed me a slip of paper and hen promptly walked away. I stared in disbelief until my mother ripped the paper out of my hand and started to read it.

"It says Scott has summoned you to court for custody of Tessa!" She cried out as she pointed to Scott's name, clearly written on the paper.

"What? Why? Can he do that? He hasn't even been here to raise her and she's almost nine months old and he hasn't even been with her a day in her life!" I cried out as my mom scanned the paper again.

"I don't know. It doesn't say. I will call you uncle and find out, other than that we will just have to wait for the court date to find out." She stated as she walked off t call my uncle. I stood stunned, unwilling to move. What was going to happen? Why had he al of a sudden decided to come back into my life and with a court order?

I didn't like this one bit.

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